Legendary Member
We aren't talking about 2 prisoners though.
In 2022, of 146 transwomen prisoners 91 of them had at least one conviction for sex offences. A much higher ratio than other prisoners.
I can (and have previously) quite happily say that these are mostly men with fetishes, not body dysphoria. But if you are going to insist that gender is innate and that you don't need a diagnosis to be trans, and that 'you are who you say you are' - well these individuals say they are trans so you must surely accept they are transwomen. And they have a higher rate of sexual offending than other men. And far, far higher than women obviously.
We've gone back down the crime/prison avenue though, when the reality is it's as much about dignity and privacy as safety. I know lots of lovely men. Totally trustworthy and safe. I still don't think they should be in women's single sex spaces and services.
You don't half chat a load of bollocks. You've not the faintest idea. Fetishes, body dysphoria. What the fark are you on about?
Gender identity in prison is Self-ID. In 2019 they tried a 'data gathering exercise' in an attempt to form data they didn't have.
Trans people with a GRC are not included in the data collection process without their express permission. The numbers are not real.
The data can not be reliable. The government say that don't know the numbers because they don't.
The numbers you bandy around are mostly fiction.
You've previously denied 'case-by-case' by risk assessment and called for blanket bans - which are not permissible under the law.
Trans prisoners do not shower at the same time as cis prisoners.
Separate risk assessments are carried out for cell sharing. The whole thing is carefully managed.
Bottom line - there have been no cases of assaults on women since 2019 (the Karen White episode).
@icowden's attempt to rescue you failed. His example relied upon 'known biters' and a no risk assessment, no segregation scenario.
Prisons are very dangerous places, where the cohort of people at greatest risk of harm are trans people.