Gender again. Sorry!

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Oops, think I may need to go back into hiding.

Welcome back. We rarely agreed but I did like how you got to the point and spared us long and tedious posts.


Legendary Member
There's literally no difference ffs. Nobody is talking about drag queens. If a man whose fetishism is dressing as a woman says he is a transwoman then he is a transwoman. You don't get to say he isn't. That is literally the self ID you have spent the thread demanding.

Wrong. making stuff up again.


Research. This study says 2.8% of men, and 0.4% of women. Which would equate to 600,000 men over 18 in the UK.

You didn't even read it, did you.

For a start, it was a study of Swedish men, 18 years ago.

Secondly, you conveniently ignored the bolded"

"Almost three percent (2.8%) of men and 0.4% of women reported at least one episode of transvestic fetishism"

So for all we know, those 2.8% of Swedish men, 18 years ago, might have put on their sister's dress once, and that was it.

It is in no way the evidence of the threat you pretend is there.


Legendary Member
Anybody who says they are proposing to undergo transition has protection under the EA. That includes men with a fetishism for wearing women's clothes.

This attempt to disown the run of the mill crossdressers as well as the sex offenders is quite something to behold. So much for 'Let us say 'I'm a woman. That's enough'. Well they are saying they are women. They are on your team whether you like it or not.
Your inability to understand anything is worrying.

Your unfailing mischaracterisation of anybody other than a cis woman makes you dangerous.

Pale Rider

😅 You've wandered into wrong territory here then friend. 😅

Not just in terms of prose style.

I doubt what could be termed my enlightened Victorian view of gender would go down well.

Even if I did bash out 250 words about it.


Legendary Member
From an early post of mine.

A problem word is 'transgender'. It's problematic for a number of reasons.
1 It's spelt with the 'trans' part as a prefix rather than an adjective like other trans terms.
2 If a person undergoes transition, their gender* is confirmed not changed as the term implies.
3 It's an umbrella term that includes not just trans people, but transvestites, crossdressers, etc.
4 It's used in different ways in different parts of the world.
5 It lends itself to the form 'transgendered' which is in turn problematic for a number of reasons, but essentially it suggest that to be trans is to experience an enforced change by something external to the person.
*gender identity.

The vagaries of an umbrella term such as 'transgender' is not a sound basis for lumping people together as if they are all the same. Instead it requires interpretation by a nuanced mind. I guess some people have one, and some don't.


Smiley faces and belligerence.

Very good.

Doss c*nt.

Idiot. You tried to pick a fight with me (again) over somebody else's post, got it wrong, had it pointed out to you, and you respond with foul-mouthed abuse :laugh: :laugh:

I can only feel sorry for you.


Elder Goth
Idiot. You tried to pick a fight with me (again) over somebody else's post, got it wrong, had it pointed out to you, and you respond with foul-mouthed abuse :laugh: :laugh:

I can only feel sorry for you.

Leads with some abuse. chucks some back.

Feel sorry for yourself Ronnie.

Yes, I am. I am absolutely astonished that this paraphillia seems to be news to you. It does explain how dismissive you are of women's concerns though.
The term has passed me by; neither my Collins Dictionary or Mrs B's Chambers mention it. Is it an American usage? The concept however, that people become aroused and 'get themselves off' in abnormal circumstances, is not of course lost on me.

There's a helluva jump though from a bloke who might occasionally dress in his partner's undies for a thrill to full blown paraphilia. I would imagine a far more significant cohort than the 3% or so mentioned upthread have 'given it a go' at least once in their lives. Is it that far off beam to even meat the definition; it's certainly not in the main list of activities covered by the term.

TBAF, I'm not sure even the blokes in women's garb we used to see of a Saturday night in London's West End were paraphilic, less still interested in accessing women in their private spaces for any purpose.

According to Stonewall they come under the transgender umbrella. If you are going down the 'You are who you say you are' view, these men with fetishes have as much right to say they are women - and have the access you seem happy to give away - as any other man.

Why wouldn't they regard themselves as transgender? It gives them access to women's spaces, legitimises their paraphillia, and it gets men like you to advocate their cause. There's nothing to lose.

How? How do we differentiate them when they are demanding access to women's spaces and services?

Stonewall are no more of an authority on this stuff than you are.

Sometimes your stuff is so far off beam as not to need a response.
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Legendary Member
Not just in terms of prose style.

I doubt what could be termed my enlightened Victorian view of gender would go down well.

Even if I did bash out 250 words about it.

It would go down well enough with some I imagine. Some great things came out of the Victorian period, the engineering of the London sewerage system is a marvel! Social values, less good perhaps.
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