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Deleted member 159

If you are talking about Lia Thomas as I think you may be, Lia is not a 'complete male'. I'd change in the same room as Lia Thomas and think nothing of it.

I don't know where you are in the world, but from what I see, the USA is an astonishingly backward country where even the sight of female nipple can be an offence.

When he was swimmingagainst Riley Gaines testified he was in tact when he took off his clothes in the changing room

Rusty Nails

Country Member
@multitool and @AndyRM

If you want to wrestle each other (metaphorically of course) then get a room.

Never mind about that intriguing picture... I'm more interested in whether personal experience made you arrive at this statement.

There's a helluva jump though from a bloke who might occasionally dress in his partner's undies for a thrill to full blown paraphilia. I would imagine a far more significant cohort than the 3% or so mentioned upthread have 'given it a go' at least once in their lives.


He's a failed sportsman, using trans to win in women's sport and get into women's changing rooms.

Why? Just to wave her withered flap of skin that was once a penis at her competitors?

Get the sense this thread might be in its death throes, with CRXAndy being the C-Difficile bacteria that has found an entry point into its weakened body.
He's a failed sportsman, using trans to win in women's sport and get into women's changing rooms.

I've no idea of Lia Thomas's history. Never heard of her until she popped into this thread.

I think the issue of people who've gone through puberty as males competing in women's professional/elite sport is an issue that needs a solution.

I don't see how you know what's been in Lia's head during her trans journey. I'd be interested in any real evidence that she's 'getting off' on being in women's changing areas.
I'm not saying that all gay men enjoy dressing as women. I'm saying that some may, and given that there is no indication of sexuality of the sample in that Swedish study some or all of them might be gay, in which case they are unlikely to pose a threat to women.

I'm not sure 'He's probably gay' is any more reassuring than 'He's probably not just a man with a fetish' when women are considering whether male bodies should be in female spaces and services. Again, how do we tell the harmless gay ones from the men with fetishism and from the 'genuine' transwomen? (Though of course all 3 might make women feel uncomfortable in a vulnerable women only space regardless of intention or appearance).

Lia Thomas uses hormones. She will not be intact. Anyway, so what?

Lia Thomas has not had surgery according to those who had to share changing facilities. Riley Gaines testified as much.

If you saw the transphobe sites that Aurora hangs out on you'd be led to believe Thomas had won gold at the Olympics, not some US college swimming gala.

Thomas went from what 500th nationally? in the Men's category to 1st nationally in the Women's. College sports is high profile and big business in the US. And of course fairness is not measured by outcome anyway. Women deserve fairness at all levels of competition not just the level you think should matter to them.

When should fairness for women and girls start to matter? Year 7? 6th Form? College level ? National level? Olympics?


Legendary Member
I wonder how many times we have to see 'journeys' such as this before everyone realises what an utter nonsense it is.

You can stop wondering, Lia Thomas and those like her have been banned from sport, which is why much of this is an irrelevance.

Pale Rider

You can stop wondering, Lia Thomas and those like her have been banned from sport, which is why much of this is an irrelevance.

Pleased to hear it.

I'd also give her a slap for trying to ruin her competitive sport in the first place.

Well, maybe not a slap, but certainly a good wigging, as we used to say in the upper sixth form common room.
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