I absolutely agree with separate spaces. My difference with AS is solely around the treatment of a tiny number of trans women.
Ok, If you agree with the concept of, and need for separate spaces, that need largely being around the comfort and safety of women.
Where do you draw the line as regards who gets access to those particular spaces.?
For trans women is self ID enough?
"I am a woman because I say so"
Or "I have undergone various procedures, or talked to my doctor about disphoria, (for example) so therefore I should have access"
Who decides.??
Fwiw I'm running an event this weekend where women (including trans women ofc) and non binary people are welcomed, but men are not.
The men on the farm (including my male partner) respect this, and will absent themselves.
I think it's highly unlikely that we will get any men turning up and taking the piss by pretending to be trans women, but what would we do if that did happen.??
How would we discern?
Currently it appears there is no socially acceptable way of doing that, without being accused of 'bigotry'
For this to work smoothly, it relies on everyone being 'decent' compassionate, respectful, emotionally intelligent human beings.
Unfortunately, as we know, not the entire world is like that - hence the need for women only spaces in the first place.
I'm not talking about laws here, I'm talking about navigation of a social situation.