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Much as you try to shoot the messenger, the lad has been badly done to.

And if you want an example of people being impacted by being force fed views they don't hold, you have it right there.

No he hasn't.

He was fụcked out of the school for secretly recording in lessons and putting it on social media. Risk to staff and other students.


Reading around the chip
Claud has been making snidey and snippy comments to me and others for years before you joined here.

Lectured about snidery by Paley! :laugh:

Not many others, to be fair - just a very tiny handful of posters consistently determined to out themselves as the worst people on the internet.


Legendary Member
Still lying.

If I've said something 'many times', then I might have a reasonable expectation that you could understand what I say.

Instead what I've done is tell you why the delays for trans women prescribed hormones on the one hand and left withering on the vine for so long is so tragic. No sympathy or empathy for that from you - just parroting 'floppy dick' endlessly ever since.

I have also said that two all party select committees came to the same conclusion, that given the lack of resources to maintain the system, and given the WHO reclassification, there is urgent need to change the system.

And I agree with them, the 2004 Act needs updating to solve the problems, and to take the opportunity at the same time to end the now unnecessary spousal veto, and to switch the outdated terms to more accepted ones.

I have said of the Scottish Law that a reduction to 6 months seems sensible because that in itself would not inhibit the pathway from hormones to surgery as is presently the case.

You've previously tried to bait me with this kind of Fred on Wednesday, Betty on Thursday, back to Fred on Friday kind of clap trap.

Pretty much every time you post you lie about something or somebody. Seriously you make Boris Johnson look like the pinnacle of honesty and epitome of truthfulness.

Idiot doesn't begin to cover what I think of you; I'm actually biting my tongue when I write that.


My brother in-law works for teachers union in their disciplinary department. He was a teacher before that. He has openly said he would preach his political position to his classes.

Teaching has gone woke, trans, extremists left agenda

Look at universities :laugh:


Teachers. Those well known radicals with their crocheted jumpers and elbow patches. Probably the most conformist group of people you could get.

You've been reading those right-wing shìtrags again, haven't you.

I'm just waiting for you to start spouting about Nigel Farages bank account.

Pale Rider

No he hasn't.

He was fụcked out of the school for secretly recording in lessons and putting it on social media. Risk to staff and other students.

What would you say if the lad self-identified as something or other and filmed his teacher.

No doubt the same - not.

Not many others, to be fair - just a very tiny handful of posters consistently determined to out themselves as the worst people on the internet.

That's a high bar to aspire to, but it won't stop me trying.

I would be more concerned if you didn't think that way.
Instead what I've done is tell you why the delays for trans women prescribed hormones on the one hand and left withering on the vine for so long is so tragic. No sympathy or empathy for that from you - just parroting 'floppy dick' endlessly ever since.
The thing I have no empathy for is men seeking access to women's single sex spaces and services. The rest of your post seems irrelevant.
Idiot doesn't begin to cover what I think of you; I'm actually biting my tongue when I write that.
Honestly, you've flung that insult and worse so often nobody gives a toss anymore.


Legendary Member
What would you say if the lad self-identified as something or other and filmed his teacher.

No doubt the same - not.

This is my background - education and making the ultimate decisions about sanctions.

Any learner filming a lesson without authorisation would face a sanction. In my own case it would be a temporary suspension during which their would be an investigation and a meeting with at least one parent/ guardian. I would hope the learner would be back in school within three days. Such a suspension is not a punishment, it is what is required to keep other learners safe while an investigation is carried out, and policies are restated to the learner and a parent of that learner.

Posting footage like this to social media is an elevation. There would be an investigation, an interview with parents, a case meeting, and depending on the content possible interaction with the safeguarding team / police and/or social workers. There are serious safeguarding issues around this area. It isn't just wokery. A school teacher would need to discuss this with school governors.

Have you any idea of the implications for the staff of a school where a learner is identified on social media where for safeguarding there is an exclusion order in place between a parent and a vulnerable young person.

Frankly I'm surprised you don't know better.


Legendary Member
Here"s monkey

Passive aggressive :laugh:



Legendary Member
Honestly, you've flung that insult and worse so often nobody gives a toss anymore.

Just stop lying then; it's just so farking tedious and unnecessary.

If you can't press an argument without non-stop lying, it becomes clear to people that you just don't have a cogent argument.

You present as an idiot, people notice you're an idiot.

Pale Rider

This is my background - education and making the ultimate decisions about sanctions.

Any learner filming a lesson without authorisation would face a sanction. In my own case it would be a temporary suspension during which their would be an investigation and a meeting with at least one parent/ guardian. I would hope the learner would be back in school within three days. Such a suspension is not a punishment, it is what is required to keep other learners safe while an investigation is carried out, and policies are restated to the learner and a parent of that learner.

Posting footage like this to social media is an elevation. There would be an investigation, an interview with parents, a case meeting, and depending on the content possible interaction with police. There are serious safeguarding issues around this area. It isn't just wokery.

Have you any idea of the implications for the staff of a school where a learner is identified on social media where for safeguarding there is an exclusion order in place between a parent and a vulnerable young person.

Frankly I'm surprised you don't know better.

Yes, I would expect lots of hand wringing and meetings, but it does rather look like the lad - as he says - was suspended for a short time, allowed back, then cattled when the publicity had subsided.

You won't like it, but I've seen many times that the organisation's primary focus in these types of situations is preserving their reputation, and by extension their publicly funded jobs and pensions.

If a satisfactory outcome for all parties can be engineered as well, that's a bonus, but no more than that.

By the way, I have some professional experience of identifying children subject to various court orders.

Newspapers have cocked up a few times over the years, particularly when taking group pictures.

We got away with the last one because the order had been made in a closed family court, which meant we couldn't be expected to comply with an order we could not know about.

Routinely, I believe the parent or guardian of the child will tick the no publicity box at the start of each term.

My suspicion in that case is the the parent did tick the box, but the school cocked up.

When the system does work it's not without its wrinkles.

I've seen little Johnny burst into tears and have a tantrum when he's told he can't be on the picture.


Legendary Member
By the way, I have some professional experience of identifying children subject to various court orders.

I know and that is exactly why I expected better from you. I had thought you reasonable before. I guess this has become a test of your reasonableness. Over to you, I'm not telling you what to do.

I can assure you they'd have been no handwringing from me.

You've no previous history of this learner either to make any kind of judgement on.
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