Legendary Member
It also works for any general written communication which needs to appeal to many people.
Hence the likes of The Times and The Guardian largely follow their own version of the same rules.
What was one of twitter's original key selling points?
Tweets could only be so long.
Long and dense articles are dismissed or ignored by 99.5% of the population, which rather defeats the point of writing them - unless the point is just navel gazing by the author.
Would you care to share the circulation of your firelighter?
The question wasn't posed to me I know. I don't buy any newspapers ever, because those who own them and those who write for them are devoid of decency and integrity. Very few journalist pass the test of honesty, just a plague of stalkers, phone hackers and people like you using phrases like 'kiddy fiddlers' to trivialise serious offences when it's one of your own, and 'sick depraved paedophiles' when 'reporting' (I use the word advisedly) stories about others from those they are politically opposed to. It's mostly sensationalist headline grabbing reactionary nonsense; make that outright lies where often the written content and the headline aren't even congruent. A despicable industry.
I was once stalked by the press, which went on for a couple of weeks; a horrible experience. Luckily for me the police were eventually helpful and arrested a hack from the Sunday times, causing others to literally flee the scene - he later agreed to accept a caution.
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