Gender again. Sorry!

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Legendary Member
58% of trans with at least one sexual conviction. She was correct.

You don't like the fact

Well no, not me or anybody I know will argue that people committing these crimes is a good thing, so no I don't like it as a fact. However I'm not questioning the truth of the fact; I'm questioning the truthfulness of the interpretation being placed on it and the use of it made by Stock.

Are you prepared to answer questions honestly?

Pale Rider

Are you prepared to answer questions honestly?

Instead of repeating this pointless question, why not give us the benefit of your superior intellect and post a reasoned rebuttal?

At present, it does rather look to us thickos that trans people are at least as likely to commit sexual offences against women as ordinary blokes.

Not sure where that takes us, but the figures don't lie.


Legendary Member
Instead of repeating this pointless question, why not give us the benefit of your superior intellect and post a reasoned rebuttal?

Pretty sure that's been done.

But then two people turn up in short order criticising the length of the thread and the length of the posts, while at the same time criticising the posters of the rebuttals instead of those not prepared to consider anything other than the content of their own bias. Clear enough? Not too many words for you?
Instead of repeating this pointless question, why not give us the benefit of your superior intellect and post a reasoned rebuttal?

At present, it does rather look to us thickos that trans people are at least as likely to commit sexual offences against women as ordinary blokes.

Not sure where that takes us, but the figures don't lie.

I don't think @CXRAndy is prepared to answer questions; certainly not honestly or seriously.

They're here for sport - trollery.
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Legendary Member
I'm just going to reset the debate with a rebuttal of the assertions about male offending rates against the person using this table from the Home Office.



Legendary Member
Or how about this one drink/disorderly, causing alarm or distress, wasting police time.


Legendary Member
Of course if you come from a certain background, have a personal characteristic of having a black skin, or being a trans woman then the bias within the justice system means that you are much more likely to be 'dealt' with than if you are a straight white female.

This is the nature of bias that produces the kind of data that is referred to in relation to transgender prisoners, without even bothering to filter that by more accurate definitions.

A transvestite is legally male before the law, but counts in the data as 'male' and as 'transgender'. The proportion of actual trans women will be a small proportion of the number clumped in the data as 'transgender'.

So if you want to demonise a community, that's how it's done.


Legendary Member
If you are male, expect harsher treatment than if you are female.

If you are a black male, expect harsher treatment still.

If you are a trans woman, expect harsher treatment still.

If you are a lesbian identifying trans woman, you are in some serious trouble.

If you are a black lesbian identifying trans woman, believe me you are fukced.
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Legendary Member
And just to rub that in that bit more, when females are given prison sentences they are shorter than for men for the same offence.

Men and women are 'programmed' to be more supportive of and more 'lenient' to women than they are disposed towards men.

Sorry chaps it shouldn't be this way.

Sorry Andy, your 'look at the data, listen to Kathleen Stock' stuff just went through the woodchipper. Want to try again?
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