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Deleted member 159

It's gone very quiet now.


Doing something far more interesting. TDF beckoned :biggrin:

Lovely stats. Still doesn't explain why trans who are men have a far greater incidence of sex crimes compared to normal men
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I'm just going to reset the debate with a rebuttal of the assertions about male offending rates against the person using this table from the Home Office.

These stats are proportions. So if there were a 100k arrests of men for any offence, 55% of them would be for violence against the person. So that's 55k violent offences. If 100 women were arrested then 44% of those arrests would be for violence against the person. So that's 44 violent offences. Unless we know how many arrests they were, this chart does not prove your point.

You've simply tried to make people see 55% and 44% and go 'Looks like women are just as bad as men..'. If you want to stick with your figures, the sex offences stats suggests men are 7 times more likely to comit sex offences.

The victims chart? Well yes we know men are very violent towards other men. The issue is male violence and male attitudes.

Penalty notices for disorder? Overwhelming given to males.

Drink/causing alarm etc? Again, if these are % of the arrests for each group, 36% of say 100k is not 'better' than 46% of say 10k.

Of course if you come from a certain background, have a personal characteristic of having a black skin, or being a trans woman then the bias within the justice system means that you are much more likely to be 'dealt' with than if you are a straight white female.
No evidence that transwomen are more harshly treated than other prisoners. Women are more likely to comit minor crimes, non violent crimes, and have caring duties which are taken in to account. No evidence that transwomen have anything other than male pattern offending.

A transvestite is legally male before the law, but counts in the data as 'male' and as 'transgender'.
Who are you to say they are transvestites not transwomen? How do we tell the difference?

The proportion of actual trans women will be a small proportion of the number clumped in the data as 'transgender'.
They are either all 'women' or none of them are. Which is it? This 'You are who you say you are' lasting only until they are arrested for sex offences is ridiculous.


Legendary Member

Doing something far more interesting. Lovely stats. Still doesn't explain why trans who are men have a far greater incidence of sex crimes compared to normal men

You either are numerically illiterate, or just a clownish troll, or quite possibly both. Look up the term 'cognitive bias' you might even do better with words than numbers.


Legendary Member
They are either all 'women' or none of them are. Which is it? This 'You are who you say you are' lasting only until they are arrested for sex offences is ridiculous.

Those with the term either 'female' or 'girl' on their birth certificates are women before the law. Hope this new information helps.


Legendary Member
These stats are proportions. So if there were a 100k arrests of men for any offence, 55% of them would be for violence against the person. So that's 55k violent offences. If 100 women were arrested then 44% of those arrests would be for violence against the person. So that's 44 violent offences. Unless we know how many arrests they were, this chart does not prove your point.

Clearly you are actually numerically illiterate. That's not meant to be insulting, but it is the only explanation.

Deleted member 159

You either are numerically illiterate, or just a clownish troll, or quite possibly both. Look up the term 'cognitive bias' you might even do better with words than numbers.

Oh so they are a minority, they are shoot on from the authorities -bullshit

We all know our judiciary is woke affirming.

Trans are as a minority are littered with far more sex offenders than normal males


Legendary Member
Oh so they are a minority, they are shoot on from the authorities -bullshit

We all know our judiciary is woke affirming.

Trans are as a minority are littered with far more sex offenders than normal males

As I suspected, refer to my last reply to you ,,, it's both.


Legendary Member
So a trans woman who's jumped the hoops and got a birth certificate in the acquired gender is a woman before the law as you might expect.

Yes. How hard can it be? Yet they are struggling.


Legendary Member
Oh so they are a minority, they are shoot on from the authorities -bullshit

We all know our judiciary is woke affirming.

Trans are as a minority are littered with far more sex offenders than normal males

You do know that in a criminal trial, the judge does not reach the verdict?


Master of the Inane Comment
Unkers does think that lesbianism (and sex for pleasure) is a sin,
Lesbianisn goes against the natural order, but I have never maintained the latter. My view would be there is no such thing as casual sex.
God fearing people using the bible as their shield for their bigotry,
Making a truth claim and arguing for it is not bigotry. Nor arguing against it.

I think the words bigotry and hate are bandied around far too often when these subjects are discussed. In lieu of an argument?
mentioning death as appropriate.
Why not? The butcher's bill for the sexual revolution in my lifetime has been horrendous. The transgender suicide rate ought to be a matter of concern regardless of your take on this (and not used for point scoring).
The God paradox - God made trans people, God says trans people are abominable. People should stone them to death.
This is too village atheist! Aaron Ra level.

No-one is 'created' with sinful impulses only to be condemned for them. Forgiveness is available to LGBTQ as for everyone else. If asked for ...

Trans+ Pride defends activist who told crowd to punch TERFs ‘in the f------ face’​

Sarah Jane Baker who served 30 years for kidnapping and attempted murder
You are trivialising a serious issue here. This particular individual has never been anything other than a nasty piece of work. Messed up and as 'lost' as you can get. The product of failing, dysfunctional family life in modern Britain.

So-called transitioning doesn't chage the essence of the person.

Every grouping you could name will a small number of people within it who let the side down, sometimes badly.
Those with the term either 'female' or 'girl' on their birth certificates are women before the law. Hope this new information helps.

The first difficulty is that access to women's single sex spaces and services isn't being demanded just by those with a GRC but by all those who say they are transwomen.

The second difficulty is that they are still men.

Clearly you are actually numerically illiterate. That's not meant to be insulting, but it is the only explanation.

Put the link up so I can do the calcs then, because percentages mean nothing when you don't know what figure it's a percentage of. Plus you are routinely disingenuous as with your London youth crime stats so there's that.

We've certainly moved on from 'It's enough to say 'I am a woman'' though. Now it's 'It's enough to say 'I am a woman' until you're arrested, then you're a transvestite'.

Deleted member 159

It was the fact the ideologues supported the violence from the nutter was my point.

They claim to be the gentler sex, but the built in male aggression is clear to see


Legendary Member
Lesbianisn goes against the natural order, but I have never maintained the latter. My view would be there is no such thing as casual sex.

Making a truth claim and arguing for it is not bigotry. Nor arguing against it.

I think the words bigotry and hate are bandied around far too often when these subjects are discussed. In lieu of an argument?

Why not? The butcher's bill for the sexual revolution in my lifetime has been horrendous. The transgender suicide rate ought to be a matter of concern regardless of your take on this (and not used for point scoring).

This is too village atheist! Aaron Ra level.

No-one is 'created' with sinful impulses only to be condemned for them. Forgiveness is available to LGBTQ as for everyone else. If asked for ...

You are trivialising a serious issue here. This particular individual has never been anything other than a nasty piece of work. Messed up and as 'lost' as you can get. The product of failing, dysfunctional family life in modern Britain.

So-called transitioning doesn't chage the essence of the person.

Every grouping you could name will a small number of people within it who let the side down, sometimes badly.

Perspective is everything. You can't possibly call everyone else mentally ill while clinging to belief in some sky fairy on the one hand, while all the time claiming adherence to biology with the other.

Yes, I am trivialising your belief purposefully and to an extent greater than my actual respect for many people who are Christians. It is a proportionate resistance you see.

I actually believe that you have the right to believe what you read in your bible. I don't believe that gives you the right to be hostile to people who choose a different path. You should be allowed to live your life on a live and let live basis by all others; but in return you should allow others to live their own lives without the claim that 'your's is the right way'.


Elder Goth
What the f*ck is the "natural order" @Unkraut? Your belief system?

How does being queer go against you biblical "natural order"?

Your man Jesus was followed around by 12 dudes, at least one of whom he was shagging. And was cool with hookers.

The hypocrisy of Christians defies belief at times.
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