I'm just going to reset the debate with a rebuttal of the assertions about male offending rates against the person using this table from the Home Office.
These stats are proportions. So if there were a 100k arrests of men for any offence, 55% of them would be for violence against the person. So that's 55k violent offences. If 100 women were arrested then 44% of those arrests would be for violence against the person. So that's 44 violent offences. Unless we know how many arrests they were, this chart does not prove your point.
You've simply tried to make people see 55% and 44% and go 'Looks like women are just as bad as men..'. If you want to stick with your figures, the sex offences stats suggests men are 7 times more likely to comit sex offences.
The victims chart? Well yes we know men are very violent towards other men. The issue is male violence and male attitudes.
Penalty notices for disorder? Overwhelming given to males.
Drink/causing alarm etc? Again, if these are % of the arrests for each group, 36% of say 100k is not 'better' than 46% of say 10k.
Of course if you come from a certain background, have a personal characteristic of having a black skin, or being a trans woman then the bias within the justice system means that you are much more likely to be 'dealt' with than if you are a straight white female.
No evidence that transwomen are more harshly treated than other prisoners. Women are more likely to comit minor crimes, non violent crimes, and have caring duties which are taken in to account. No evidence that transwomen have anything other than male pattern offending.
A transvestite is legally male before the law, but counts in the data as 'male' and as 'transgender'.
Who are you to say they are transvestites not transwomen? How do we tell the difference?
The proportion of actual trans women will be a small proportion of the number clumped in the data as 'transgender'.
They are either all 'women' or none of them are. Which is it? This 'You are who you say you are' lasting only until they are arrested for sex offences is ridiculous.