Gender again. Sorry!

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Legendary Member
Unless you go down some sketchy back alley route, yeah, you have to. The majority of folk who are trans want things done properly. Timelines and waiting lists can be frustrating, but the idea that folk just wake up and go all Shania Twain and that's that is a myth.

Regret rates of transgender surgery are very low and even then it doesn't prove that the person with regret is not trans.


Well-Known Member
IIRC a member of the Bar but for the purposes of this debate it makes no odds.

I'm sure that is as much news to the Bar as it is to me.
I have never claimed to be a member of the Bar, because I am not and never have been

Deleted member 159

Always thought it was the case



Legendary Member
Always thought it was the case

View attachment 4223

Though probably knuckles in your own case.

Deleted member 159

Even a cursory Google suggests this isn't the case.

First page Google search

So I was wrong, the incidence is higher


Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group
Indeed. The myth of the 'level playing field' needs to be debunked.

A male physiology gives 10 to 40% advantage over a female one, depending on the sport. In terms of other attributes such as punching though, males have 150% more power. This is in excess of any physical advantages that are found within the range of individual women's attributes. Yes, there are other factors - funding, diet, training, whatever - but other things being equal, males have advantages that outweigh all these things.


Do you think Shaunae just isn't trying hard enough?
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Ian H

Legendary Member
A male physiology gives 10 to 40% advantage over a female one, depending on the sport. In terms of punching for example, males have 150% more power. This is in excess of any physical advantages that are found within the range of women's attributes. Yes, there are other factors - funding, diet, training, whatever - but other things being equal, males have advantages that outweigh all these things.

View attachment 4224

Do you think Shaunae just isn't trying hard enough?
In my opinion a huge jpg is bloody irritating. No link to verify. Irrelevant to my quoted comment. Time to catch up on today's stage...
'Sport should accommodate the full range of human beings as they are' is an 'ideological' position ...
Having males in the female category isn't 'accommodating the full range of human beings as they are'. It's undermining the reason we have categories in sport in the first place. People are accommodated as they are already - in appropriate categories like sex, age, weight, in order to endure safety and fairness.

If we are 'accommodating people as they are', why can't 20st 6ft 5in boxers fight 5ft 6in 9st ones? Why can't 25 year old footballers play 16 year olds?

but 'athletes should be coerced into unnecessary medical procedures and monstered all over social media in order to uphold the sex binary' is some kind of channelling of the right and natural Order of Things. Right. Got you. :okay:

The sex binary is the sex binary. Dsd's are medical conditions not 3rd (or more) sexes; they don't undermine the sex binary in sport or anywhere else.
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