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Deleted member 159

There are actually lots of transwomen on social media who say this. Some of them don't/won't use women's facilities as a matter of principle and would prefer third spaces.

Sounds perfectly sensible


Legendary Member
Wants do not hold legal preponderance over rights no matter what Hayton or anybody else says.

If you took notice of what parliament intended in the legislature, and took notice of legal precedents from the judiciary you'll begin to understand that 'wants' are not protected in law, but human rights very much are.
Your confident pontificating on legal matters is so completely at odds with what the EHRC say the law is that once again I have to ask why you haven't been snapped up by the EHRC to officially put them straight.
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Deleted member 159

That crazy trans activist has been arrested for incitement for violence against women who don't accept men can be women


Legendary Member
Your confident pontificating on legal matters is so completely at odds with what the EHRC say the law is that once again I have to ask why you haven't been snapped up by the EHRC to officially put them straight.

The EHRC have been unable to define 'biological sex' and can't find a legal definition in current UK law. Every organism has a 'biology' regardless.

The nearest definition is 'reproductive sex' according to the Commission, but they are not satisfied that that definition covers it, so they intend to leave it to government. It will of course satisfy those men who will go along since they just want to have sex and turn women into baby bakers.

This is going to be quite a bun fight since what some members of the government want is a change to the law, but they are anxious to keep parliament out of it, by saying that all that is required is a clarification. I do wonder how parliament will react, and the Lords who are free to resist being as this change was not part of a manifesto pledge at the last general election.

Under questioning Faulkner admitted that what the government is asking for is equality of trans women with a GRC with women to be removed and replaced with that the rights of a non GRC holding trans woman. In other words the removal of the human right exercised by the GRA which was made to be respective of a convention directive. The proposal is of course monstrous, neither the ECtHR or the UN will think of it as acceptable.
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Legendary Member
The thread is dead.

Killed by a troll infestation.

The people who demand a debate, don't want a debate, because they can't debate, because they don't have the skills. Saddos.

Deleted member 159

What has happened is normal people questioning this ideology and discovering the huge disturbing movement to mutilate children, men wanting to invade women's spaces, mis appropriating the use of the word woman.

They will not stand for it
What has happened is normal people questioning this ideology and discovering the huge disturbing movement to mutilate children, men wanting to invade women's spaces, mis appropriating the use of the word woman.

They will not stand for it

Before this particular crusade, which as you've already said you are only undertaking because women are too weak to do it themselves, what else did you to to promote fairness and liberation? Anything at all?
Probably about as much as you and the other blokes on this thread were doing to ensure that women needn't fear men in single sex spaces, I expect.

Deleted member 159

Before this particular crusade, which as you've already said you are only undertaking because women are too weak to do it themselves, what else did you to to promote fairness and liberation? Anything at all?

I try to treat the women and girls in my life equally, protect them when situation needs, respect their private space, encourage their education and sporting interests.

A man, a dad, a father.

Mr Celine

Well-Known Member
CS wasn't a high school athlete as far as I know. They didn't start competing until age 17. These days? What about all the past days when their unfair advantage meant women lost out?

CS's 800m PB is 1:54:25, 4th on the women’s all-time list. So only 3 women have ever run faster. In 2023 alone, 3,202 men have run faster.

It's not feminism to allow men into the female category because it's asserted they were socialised as girls. It's terrible for the athletes involved that their condition went undiagnosed and that sports organisations didn't take action sooner, which has made things worse. If this is your argument though you might as well argue for inclusion on the basis of poverty or lack of opportunity. We all know girls drop out of sports after age 11, and that women's sports struggles to attract funding. How do you think any of this is helped by including males in the female category?

They've faced the same difficulties as women so they should be allowed to run in the female category as reward? This is a nonsensical argument that punishes actually women.

Yes. I haven't seen any of them campaigning for dsd athletes to be included.

Where's your empathy for those who lost out on Olympic medals to dsd athletes? Or for the African women who will lose out on scholarships, funding, sponsors, and podium places?

Never mind all that, which toilets do you think she should use?


Legendary Member
What has happened is normal people questioning this ideology and discovering the huge disturbing movement to mutilate children, men wanting to invade women's spaces, mis appropriating the use of the word woman.

They will not stand for it

When 'normal' people question stuff, they invariably do not come up with the correct answers. What we end up with are crank theories and conspiracy theories whether we are talking theology, evolution, climate change or psychology.

A million monkeys typing tripe on the internet do not compare with the actual knowledge of one highly intelligent knowledgeable scientist writing on the back of an envelope with a blunt pencil on their way to the lab riding the bus - literally that.

If you want to know was there really a whole earth covering flood? Could a six hundred year old man with STDs really build an ark big enough to gather two of every animal? Do life forms evolve, and over what time frame? Were the Neanderthals really so stupid? Is climate change real? How long has a species got before the next mass extinction? Was there really a bing bang, when we actually have real accounts of God making everything? Can it be that sex is not a true binary? Can intelligent people not actually know who they are? Duh.

This grand debate here is like Homer Simpson versus NASA on cosmology.

Listen to an actual scientist for less than 30 minutes to notice just how elite level thinking works compared to 'normal' people.


But you won't will you Aurora, Unkraut, Andy, because bias is the only true ideology and all normal people know it.
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