Not in my sphere
Yes women/girls are at risk from rapists, paedophiles, men who think they are female- which by the way a group has a far higher incidence of sexual predators than average male.
The data shows that men predate mostly on people who live in their household, or otherwise are violent to other men on the street. Who knew right?
The data also shows that women are more violent than men, men are expected to just suck it up.
Example; this should be in your reach Andy. A woman slaps a man around the face for saying something she doesn't like. The man should stand there and take it.
A woman pours a man's drink over his head in the pub, or pushes his dinner into his lap in a restaurant ... and people cheer. A person puts a tomato food product into the hair of a woman on the other side of the world for saying something they don't like, and the world goes nuts.
Got it yet, the deck is loaded, and you are making it worse.
The solution is for people, that's men and women, cis and trans, hetty and queer to stop hurting each other.
Try advocating peace, instead of violence against a marginalised and maligned group.