That's not my view but how is this different from those on here who have said that presenting as a woman is enough to entitle a man to access single sex spaces and services?I asked because the victimisation of Semenya has been going on for a long time now, and now that she's back in the news having won a case about it, the abuse is coming not just from men like Andy who have always claimed the right to judge who is and isn't a 'proper woman' based on their appearance or demeanour, but from people who would otherwise call themselves feminists.
I've seen people say she's a man (and call her a cheat) because she talks in an interview about playing football with boys as a child, because of the way she sits or the way she dresses. People are speculating about her genitalia and spreading lies about how she came to have children. Do you worry at all about contributing to this?
Don't you worry that you are harming women when you suggest that access to sports or anything else should be based on anything other than material biology? I think the discussion around dsd athletes is often unthinking and insensitive, but there is no easy way to deal with the issue that doesn't involve some people being hurt. It's unfortunate that the dsd issue has had to come down to focusing on individual athletes rather than the organisations taking a lead from the science early on.