Gender again. Sorry!

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Legendary Member
So you'd concede that your 'women do more violence than men' assertion was incorrect.

As we already knew ofc

How does baselessly slandering womankind like this, when they have overwhelmingly been the victims, not the perpetrators of violence, particularly sexual violence, fit into your ideas of supposedly being a 'feminist' .??

If you want to reduce the violence done to women (including that done to transwomen) then telling untruths about the quantity of violence they do (and suggesting that any violence they do is somehow overlooked or minimised) is a weird way of going about it.

In reality there is far more "Shock horror, how could she??" When a woman is the perpetrator.

But then again if she doesn't use physicality, to say resist being raped, then that's often a point against her being seen as a 'legitimate' victim.

"Why didn't she fight back??"

What was exposed was what I intended to expose. That Aurora does have the capacity to do numbers when it suits her, and that when she uses false presentation of numbers to try to make a point, she lies. She knows what she is doing is wrong, she is trying hard to mislead people with misdirection. Aurora is to feminism what Joe Lycett is to Thatcherism.

The one stretch I was not prepared to make and did not, was that women are much more vulnerable to violence.

To anyone, including you, who couldn't see the process wasn't really paying attention.

The London figures, and the account of them was correct. She tried to ignore, and then tried to rubbish it, pretending the figures were not correct, pretending that London figures were not typical of other cities in this country.

What the London figures showed clearly enough, is that violence is more closely related to age than to sex. Young women are actively engaged in violence.

It's a very important point. Much earlier in the thread, I gave an account of the one time I experienced street violence, I was robbed by three young women as I was leaving a women's toilet. I'm not going to repeat the story here.

If there is a logical case for making women's toilets safer, then it is to keep young women out of them, since there is clear evidence that they cause problems and not trans women.

This is not arguing for the exclusion of young people; this is me showing just how bonkers her arguments are, and the lies that she is prepared to generate to press her points.

That you couldn't see the point being pressed by me, and then came on the attack showed that either you didn't understand the numbers, or you maybe not quite so free of that cultural bias as you think you are.

Bottom line, that there is no evidence that trans women are a danger to women in the women's toilets.

It ought to be clearer to everybody yet, from Aurora's assertion that she even wants women such as Caster Semenya banned from using women's toilets.

This whole argument is aligned with the same purity arguments as 1930s Germany. It is a form of fascism that is rising in this country, and people are sleepwalking into it. Remember the 'final solution' didn't come at the beginning of WW2. The UK did not declare war on Germany at the time of the genocide of it's own people, that came later.

As much as I despise this Tory government, it doesn't mean that I think they plan genocide through violence. But just as their unspeakable treatment of asylum seeker people by falsely declaring them as 'illegal migrants', they are capable of the thought processes which will make being trans 'illegal', which amounts to a kind of genocide of these people. It's telling that her support is coming from people like Andy.

I know that people have the right to their opinions, and I'm content with that right. I'm content that opinions are allowed to vary. I can not be content that people are denied their human rights on the basis of uneducated opinion and the denial of law.

I'll never sit down and let that happen.
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Pale Rider

So we're back to you not knowing how to do data. How cute of you.

That will come back to haunt you.

It's very easy to make mistakes interpreting data.

In this long thread, it is all but certain you - and Aurora - will have cocked up the use of stats somewhere.


Legendary Member
That will come back to haunt you.

It's very easy to make mistakes interpreting data.

In this long thread, it is all but certain you - and Aurora - will have cocked up the use of stats somewhere.

Anyone can make a mistake, but if the mistakes are pointed out, and you refuse to acknowledge, and go on to undermine genuine stats, then you are not making an honest mistake, it's something else.


What was exposed was what I intended to expose. That Aurora does have the capacity to do numbers when it suits her, and that when she uses false presentation numbers to try to make a point, she lies. She knows what she is doing is wrong, she is trying hard to mislead people with misdirection. Aurora is to feminism what Joe Lycett is to Thatcherism.

The one stretch I was not prepared to make and did not, was that women are much more vulnerable to violence.

To anyone, including you, who couldn't see the process wasn't really paying attention.

The London figures, and the account of them was correct. She tried to ignore, and then tried to rubbish it, pretending the figures were not correct, pretending that London figures were not typical of other cities in this country.

What the London figures showed clearly enough, is that violence is more closely related to age than to sex. Young women are actively engaged in violence.

It's a very important point. Much earlier in the thread, I gave an account of the one time I experienced street violence, I was robbed by three young women as I was leaving a women's toilet. I'm not going to repeat the story here.

If there is a logical case for making women's toilets safer, then it is to keep young women out of them, since there is clear evidence that they cause problems and not trans women.

This is not arguing for the exclusion of young people; this is me showing just how bonkers her arguments are, and the lies that she is prepared to generate to press her points.

That you couldn't see the point being pressed by me, and then came on the attack showed that either you didn't understand the numbers, or you maybe not quite so free of that cultural bias as you think you are.

Bottom line, that there is no evidence that trans women are a danger to women in the women's toilets.

It ought to be clearer to everybody yet, from Aurora's assertion that she even wants women such as Caster Semenya banned from using women's toilets.

This whole argument is aligned with the same purity arguments as 1930s Germany. It is a form of fascism that is rising in this country, and people are sleepwalking into it. Remember the 'final solution' didn't come at the beginning of WW2. The UK did not declare war on Germany at the time of the genocide of it's own people, that came later.

As much as I despise this Tory government, it doesn't mean that I think they plan genocide through violence. But just as their unspeakable treatment of asylum seeker people by falsely declaring them as 'illegal migrants', they are capable of the thought processes which will make being trans 'illegal', which amounts to a kind of genocide of these people. It's telling that her support is coming from people like Andy.

I know that people have the right to their opinions, and I'm content with that right. I'm content that opinions are allowed to vary. I can not be content that people are denied their human rights on the basis of uneducated opinion and the denial of law.

I'll never sit down and let that happen.

Women are more vulnerable to violence from men, than the other way round.
That's a fact born out by stats and lived experience.

That's not to say that they don't perpetrate it either.

I could tell plenty of unpleasant stories about violence, done to me, and my women freinds done by men, as can many others, and you can tell stories of violence done to you by women, it doesn't change reality.

Yes youth of both sexes do more street crime - quite possibly deprivation and drug (including alcohol) related - the 'state of the world' for our youth needs addressing but that's another story.
I have two youthful city dwelling young men of my own to be concerned about - I'm not unaware.

Nor am I unaware of the depredations of our current 'government' all that's a given for anyone paying even the slightest iota of attention.

But all this making out that you're laying traps to prove points about other posters number crunching seems highly contrived, and rather unbelievable.

It just muddies the waters

I don't know why everyone keeps bringing up toilets - I haven't mentioned them - everyone having separate facilities seems like an obvious (if slightly more expensive) solution.

Me, I'll pee anywhere, but I'm not everyone, some people have a much different cultural upbringing and perspective around this, and other situations- and it's not just 'prudish' attitudes from this country..

Also suggesting 'support' for Aurora is coming from people like 'Andy' is rather disingenuous - he could easily be some Jonny come lately trolling, sock puppet trying to stir things up more with his oafish and uninformed flailing about.

I've not seen Aurora cheerleading his posts at all.

If you're going to repeatedly call people out for allegedly misrepresenting, or your thinking they are insinuating blame where it doesn't lie, then you've really got to be incredibly scrupulous about not doing it yourself - imo.


Legendary Member
But all this making out that you're laying traps to prove points about other posters number crunching seems highly contrived, and rather unbelievable.

I have laid traps as a strategy because nothing is more important in discussion than truth. In one case I even went as far as to caution that I was laying a trap. And still the pillock walked straight in.

Traps are being laid all over the place by others, for one example; Woman: adult human female is a trap. It traps the reader into the false belief that the only available interpretation of sex and gender identity are as being one and the same - which is of course incorrect - other interpretations are available.

Deleted member 159

What the London figures showed clearly enough, is that violence is more closely related to age than to sex. Young women are actively engaged in violence.

Wow, London must be female violent capital extraordinaire, compared to all the other cities in the world.

Pale Rider

Wow, London must be female violent capital extraordinaire, compared to all the other cities in the world.

Something's not right.

Go to any magistrates' court dealing with routine weekend violence and the overwhelming majority of defendants are males aged 18-25 years.


Legendary Member
Wow, London must be female violent capital extraordinaire, compared to all the other cities in the world.

Thank you. Hopefully Mudsticks will see that my strategy was as necessary as I say it was.

You've been put to the test too; you FAILED

Deleted member 159

Go to any magistrates' court dealing with routine weekend violence and the overwhelming majority of defendants are males aged 18-25 years.

I once had to go to court to report back on a employee from my wife's company. She had a relationship breakdown and gone bunny boiler. Whilst I was waiting in the public gallery, the amount of young men that were being prosecuted completely outnumbered the women, like 20 cases for men against 1 for women.


Legendary Member
Something's not right.

Go to any magistrates' court dealing with routine weekend violence and the overwhelming majority of defendants are males aged 18-25 years.

That's also something that the data showed.

That of those women arrested for violence, they are not progressed to a caution or a charge. They get off.

On the other hand men are more likely to be cautioned or charged.
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