Gender again. Sorry!

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That's also something that the data showed.

That of those women arrested for violence, they are not progressed to a caution or a charge. They get off.

On the other hand men are more likely to be cautioned or charged.

That was my thought. Perhaps women are more likely to be calmer and more remorseful confronted with a uniform whereas men want to fight the Copper and get arsey.

Attitude test and all that..


Legendary Member
That was my thought. Perhaps women are more likely to be calmer and more remorseful confronted with a uniform whereas men want to fight the Copper and get arsey.

Attitude test and all that..

I think you are right, might well be the case, but I think it just one component. I still think there is a cultural bias in favour of 'the gentle sex'. It's not my objection to that cultural norm at play here - it's my objection to women who commit violence against others being wrongly excused because of that cultural bias - they should lose the right to treatment of being a member of 'the gentle sex' as soon as they commit violence. It's only fair.

In 2021 there were something like 53k women arrested for violence against the person.
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Pale Rider

That's also something that the data showed.

That of those women arrested for violence, they are not progressed to a caution or a charge. They get off.

On the other hand men are more likely to be cautioned or charged.

That I can agree with.

I have long observed gender equality is yet to reach the criminal justice system.


Legendary Member
Post your data, links to the sourced data, let it be peer reviewed and compared to other sources.

The data links were given in the posts where I quoted data.


Legendary Member
53,000 divided 247000 = 0.21*100
equals 21%

Didn't you contest the figure 18% ?

21% is close to 18% not the 45% you posted earlier

Apples and oranges.

You can't compare the number of prosecutions of women with the number of arrests for men in a direct comparison; yet these have been the tactics.

But I'm glad that I now have your attention and more interest in the truth.

The point is that I posted data from the Met because it is the most detailed, not because somebody else thinks that it is the city with the most violence in the world (I seriously doubt that's the case). I chose the Met data because is included the best data I could find - yet it was dismissed by Aurora, and I know why, because it doesn't fit the narrative.

We need more data, not less data, otherwise commentary is futile.


Legendary Member
We need less data, not more data, otherwise we drown in a sea of information, sometimes of dubious quality.

I'd prefer no data to misleading data that otherwise is used to portray all men as rapists, or all trans women as paedophiles, while the truth is that neither of these things is remotely true.

All we end up is alarmist claptrap which enables a corrupt government to further its ends by means of wedge issues.

But the public are waking up (go on say it, 'getting more woke').


That's also something that the data showed.

That of those women arrested for violence, they are not progressed to a caution or a charge. They get off.

On the other hand men are more likely to be cautioned or charged.

Could it be that the severity of violence, or even the reason for the violence itself eg self defence has a bearing on these statistics men vs women.??

Idk for sure, but that may well be part of the picture.

There is a certainly a lot of violence done, particularly sexual violence that is never reported.

Or even seen as such by the victim themselves until things like 'enthusiastic consent' rather than 'just going along with things for the sake of avoiding a scene' are recognised as differentiating factors in whether or not it is actually an assault.

No one here is suggesting that women never do violence.
It's a straw man technique to suggest that anyone is saying that.

Nor is anyone proposing that 'all men are rapists' no one here has even hinted that.

But the vast majority of rapists are men - that's indisputable - hence many women - one third of whom report (anecdotally - not to the police) having been sexually harassed or assaulted - so are quite understandably more cautious around men than women - especially if they are in a vulnerable state .

But you can't really be suggesting that the proportion and severity of violence perpetrated men vs women is up for debate are you,??

Thank you. Hopefully Mudsticks will see that my strategy was as necessary as I say it was.

You've been put to the test too; you FAILED

You do really think you're rather cleverer than everyone else, don't you??

Unfortunately evidence often suggests otherwards.

If your strategies are truly centered around trying to help this situation be resolved, rather than just score points, then it would seem another approach may be more useful.

Telling people they are 'idiots' or have 'failed' seems a tad ineffective. 🤔
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