The article isn't about risk assessment. It's about the notion of there being men who are genuinely transgender and men who are faking it. You tell us there is no diagnosis for being transgender and it's not a mental health issue. Regardless of any risk assessment, who are you to say these prisoners aren't transgender rather than men who are faking it? How can we tell?
Also, have a biscuit and a lie down. We are not at home to Mr. Rude.
There can be diagnosis of something that is not an illness. Come on, it doesn't take a genius now.
I didn't refer to the article, I responded to what you said. People are who they say they are, unless somebody comes along and denies them their human rights.
When it comes to prisons, they are obviously a special case, since we are not all in prison. Prisoners are subject to risk assessment and you know it, but you keep adjusting my words in order to gain some advantage in argument.
But all the time you argue like a halfwit, I'll keep treating you like one.
Trans women who have a GRC are women before the law in society. Offenders need to be risk assessed and placed accordingly.
This works all the time that you remember that trans women, like all other people have human rights and are not to be presumed to be predators until they have had a fair trial and are found to be so.
We all are free to identify as we wish ordinarily, but in order for a person to have their gender identity recognised by the state, they have to follow the procedure. We each have the absolute right to presumption of innocence and a fair trial. Those found guilty no longer have the presumption of innocence. For the sake of everyone's safety they are risk-assessed. This is my consistent position based on the law as I understand it.
Instead of just making stuff to win - engage brain first.