It's not spin that data from every country that keeps records indicates that men overwhelmingly comit the majority of sex offences. It's spin to try to pretend the data doesn't show this.
It's not spin that data from every country that keeps records indicates that men overwhelmingly comit the majority of sex offences. It's spin to try to pretend the data doesn't show this.
This school has behaved shockingly
Far too young to be educating children of more details of sexual behaviour.
This is on the lines of twerking cross dressing men invited into schools
Far more parental control of schools is needed to continue to check on woke/trans teachers
It's not spin that data from every country that keeps records indicates that men overwhelmingly comit the majority of sex offences. It's spin to try to pretend the data doesn't show this.
Looks like a class of 9-10 year olds - year 5.
Do you know how early kids, girls in particular, hit puberty these days?
'Why bother? They're going to rape you at home anyway'... isn't a good argument against safeguarding outside the home.
Yeah! But if you then ignore facts and say ''if you feel female, you can be female'' the statistics are gonna changing sooner or later anyway. That they are in fact not changed but just called differently is something else.It's not spin that data from every country that keeps records indicates that men overwhelmingly comit the majority of sex offences. It's spin to try to pretend the data doesn't show this.
The data says that the majority of violence and sexual abuse happens in the home. A lot of violence occurs inside female prisons.
Add those together, take them from the total number and you are left with a small minority of sexual assault and violence against women cases elsewhere. Now examine the spread of 'elsewhere' across all other places. Now divide those numbers by the ratio between trans women and the population number (about 4 000 in 68 000 000). Now divide that by the ratio of safe to dangerous trans women (number actually unkown, but even if you use this ratio from male offending rates) and what you are left with is a very small number.
As this number is very small, this explains the lack of actual evidenced cases of trans women attacking women in public spaces.
Yes, I do, but that doesn't mean they have to learn about all varieties of sexual behaviour at 9/10. Fine to discuss general sex.
My wife and I taught our kids from when they asked questions, which was as early as 5 years old. All basic stuff, you can get very simple basic kids educational books for them to read and ask questions
Yeah! But if you then ignore facts and say ''if you feel female, you can be female'' the statistics are gonna changing sooner or later anyway. That they are in fact not changed but just called differently is something else.
and i know the whole story about the medicines etc. they need to transition and such making them less likely to offend, but there is two things wrong with that 1. Who is gonna check they actually take those medicines? 2. It by far not always sexual as in they might commit acts like rape but that is more motivated by inserting dominance/humiliating the victim then hormones
What's the point of making that divide when to push is to make the legal difference between women and trans women nonexistent ? Hell in some media it's already called ''transphobia'' when even talking about the possibility of a trans person being also a abuser/criminal/rapist/etc.
Btw the Metropolitian Police also uses that ''it's a very small percentage'' argument when talking about their officer misbehaving yet somehow people don't really think that is an particularly good argument. I don't see how it is any different with trans gender people, even if it is a very small group.
Yeah! But if you then ignore facts and say ''if you feel female, you can be female'' the statistics are gonna changing sooner or later anyway. That they are in fact not changed but just called differently is something else.
@dutchguylivingintheukPoor effort.
Don't worry about Monkers.
She slags off anyone with a reasonable rationale opinion.
You know she really likes you when insulting starts.![]()