You had already said 'living as a woman'. So according to you all women feel the same; and yet we disagree on how women feel.
No, I didn't say that. Feelings are subjective. I said women have shared experiences, often rooted in biology, that men cannot share. Same for men, of course. There is no 'living as a woman', other than that imposed on women because of their biology. None of which men can share.
But of course those of us who know who we are have an 'ideology'. You are on very confused individual.
The only frame of reference a man can have for being a woman is society's stereotypes. No man can be a woman because it's an embodied experience, and the same for women. It must be exhausting spending your life trying to be something you can never be, feeling you have to dress a certain way, talk a certain way, act a certain way. It's the opposite of 'knowing who you are'.