Craig the cyclist
Über Member
Depends if he's manspreading at the same time.
I didn't think you would answer the question.
Depends if he's manspreading at the same time.
No, I want you to stop believing that you know more about what is to be a woman than women do. The only way you could know as much, is to have the gender identity of a woman. If so then I'll listen. I don't need a picture of a 'dick pic' thanks, you sounding like one is already more than I need.
Monkers has written at great length about penises at least 3 times on CC. I don't think they require a photograph.
Does a transgender man know what it is to be a woman? Or did he while he was a woman, but now he doesn't because he is no longer a woman?
At what stage does he lose the right/ability to know what it is to be a woman?
Yes, those penises were withering nearly as much as your Victorian moral tone.
Yuk, glad I didn't risk 'opening' the pic.
Nothing wrong with a Victorian moral tone, whether withering or not.
Yes there is.
Not least the hypocrisy.
At the risk of cross posting, the application of Victorian values would swiftly deal with your druggie problem.
There were no pics, just a statement that for trans women in transition that female hormones cause a good deal of genital atrophy. any images were mentally drawn by the reader.Yuk, glad I didn't risk 'opening' the pic.
Nothing wrong with a Victorian moral tone, whether withering or not.
Ask Andy if you want true enlightenment, and free dick pics. Go on, you know you want to.
You are not good at answering the tricky questions are you? Two very simple questions and you have ducked them both by referring me to other people.
Can a biologically female transgender man be guilty of mansplaining?
At what point does a biologically female transgender man lose the right to explain to others what it is to be a woman?
I don't think anyone understood Monkers' answer.
She writes gobbledegook