Gender again. Sorry!

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Anyway, decent piece in The National about the Glinner Fringe debacle.
It's not *terribly* well researched. For example that "interview" that is referred to where Linehan called people "Paedophiles". It turns out he was actually referring to um... convicted paedophiles.

I am, then, necessarily having to work from memory here. Lockwood leaps immediately on Linehan with accusations that he arranged the cancellation as a publicity stunt to sell tickets, unaware of the publicised fact that the show had already sold out before his appearance was announced. She follows up by telling him that he is conflating transgenderism with paedophilia. Linehan responds with simple factual statements about convicted child sex offenders involved in the gender movement and trying in vain to get back to the actual nub of the issue.

Not only that Tatchell - who has advocated for paedophilia (or at least ephebophilia) - was one of her talking heads. Not only that but the show in question was "Piers Morgan - Uncensored" (Lockwood was a stand in). The show has now been er... censored...


Reading around the chip
Not only that Tatchell - who has advocated for paedophilia (or at least ephebophilia

I'm a bit sick of the insinuations about Tatchell, TBH. If there are actual allegations rather than inferences, let's hear them. Musk's 'X' platform algorithms seem to be throwing up endless gossipy stirring shite that doesn't stand up to a moment's scrutiny. There's an obviously important context for some of his iffier historical musings about the age of consent, which is that his activism dates from when there was a five-year discrepancy between the heterosexual and the male homosexual legal age of consent, not to mention a widespread mainstream perception of all gay sex as deviant. Unless you think the legal age of consent represents some kind of moral absolute rather than a somewhat arbitrary designation for the purposes of unpicking power relations and identifying harms , you have to grapple with the question of the sexual subjectivity of children and young people.

Deleted member 159



The presenter was well and truly out of her depth. It came across to me she was a trans supporter, stepped into minefield of an interview

"I dont know if I've learnt much" do your bloody research

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Deleted member 159

Well, exactly. But that doesn't grab the headlines, i suppose...

What I like, these folk are now getting a wider platform where names are being publicised. Folk then can do their own digging to find out what's really going on within activists groups like stonewall.


I'm a bit sick of the insinuations about Tatchell, TBH. If there are actual allegations rather than inferences, let's hear them.
It was in the article:
Lockwood is unaware that Tatchell wrote a very peculiar letter to the Guardian in 1997 – ‘While it may be impossible to condone paedophilia, it is time society acknowledged that not all sex with children is unwanted, abusive and harmful’ (Tatchell says that his letter was edited, omitting his view that he opposes adults having sex with children and that ‘it still said paedophilia is “impossible to condone”. This means I condemn it. I oppose adults having sex with children’).
He's also done a Q&A about the letter:-
Amongst other things he admits to being a terrible researcher and promoting Paidika without bothering to find out what it was. Its a mistake he seems to make over and over.
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I'm a bit sick of the insinuations about Tatchell, TBH. If there are actual allegations rather than inferences, let's hear them.

The allegations and his explanations have been easily available for years. They are nothing new.

First is the letter he had printed in 1997 in The Guardian saying sex between adults and children isn't always harmful. Tatchell says the letter was edited.


Second is the chapter he wrote that ended up in a book called Betrayal of Youth (BOY) put together by a member of PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange). Tatchell's chapter was no 9. Followed by one about making paedophilia acceptable. Tatchell says he doesn't recall who commissioned his piece and he didn't realise it was going to be in book full of very obvious pro paedophile propaganda.

He then reviewed the same book rather positively. Tatchell says he didn't actually write that review. Someone else did and his name ended up on it.

Then there’s the fullsome obituary he wrote for Ian Dunn, a founder of PIE, for his gay rights work. Tatchell says he didn't know he was a paedophile when he wrote it. (I can actually believe that one).

There are a couple of videos where he repeats that he knows men who had 'consenting' sex with adults as children and they didn't find it harmful. At least one is still on You Tube. Tatchell says these are excerpts from longer videos.

Then there’s stuff like this, from his own web site, suggesting that children should be free to have sexual relationships with adults. (Not my underlining). The idea that most people recognise that a 12 year old can't consent to sex with an adult doesn't really seem an issue for Peter.

The context I would add is that back at the time PIE were most active in the 70's there was a big push for gay equality. The PIE organisation, and others, jumped on this as a way of furthering their own agenda - which was to lower or abolish the age of consent. This was all done by propaganda saying that children should have control over their bodies, it's wrong to deny them agency over their sexuality etc. By infiltrating the gay rights movement they actually got quite a bit of political support from those on the liberal left. Once the penny dropped they were booted out of the gay rights movement.

I think this is the angle Peter Tatchell also comes from. If you can push these ideas as being about children having sexual desires from a young age, and that they have a right to agency over their own bodies, you can make the idea of sex between adults and children more palatable.

This is where his interest in the transgender issue comes from, I believe. If you can make it acceptable that an 11 year old can have agency over their own body and consent to puberty blockers, and a 14 year old can consent to having their breasts removed, why is the age of consent for sex 16?

Quite a bit more on the Web if you search a bit. Tatchell has his own Web site where he explains his side.
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Pale Rider

Tatchell sounds like a real sicko to me.

That he can write to a national newspaper supporting adults having sex with children shows just how far his head is up his arse, and probably lots of other arses as well.

I would say the majority of paedophiles I've seen in court follow a similar line - they accept their activities are illegal, but the law is wrong because the children enjoy being 'loved'.
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