Gender again. Sorry!

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Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Gives you chance for a breath of fresh air , and to peer at the stars beyond the streetlights too eh??
Without going into too much detail about my personal life, you have no idea how precious those little moments are.
Back in the day I used to think we didn't need all women shortlists, or positive discrimination either.

Having lived a little longer the obvious and sometimes more subtle barriers to women entering 'non trad' male' fields, eg stem occupations have become much more apparent, to me.
It's complicated, you need to consider all sorts of things like inclusion, representation, role modelling, fairness etc etc. It often seems that some people, you know the type, want to simplify it and simply say you should choose the best person for the position. But 'best' is a poorly defined concept and can incorporate all of the above elements as well as more traditional aspects such as academic qualifications.

But I've said this before and I'll say it again, these sorts of endeavours as with so many things seem to me like temporary sticking plaster sorts of solutions. The issue is often framed, although not quite so overtly, as one of helping women to be more like men. What we need is a radical rethink of the way we organise ourselves and society. Until we do that we're forcing square pegs into round holes and then acting surprised when we get splinters.


Both genders, Mudsticks, both. There are only two ... :smile:
Well I'm not getting into an argument with him about that, I need him onside, he's one of a kind.
And if he says there's more'n two genders I'm not going to argue..

Without going into too much detail about my personal life, you have no idea how precious those little moments are.

It's complicated, you need to consider all sorts of things like inclusion, representation, role modelling, fairness etc etc. It often seems that some people, you know the type, want to simplify it and simply say you should choose the best person for the position. But 'best' is a poorly defined concept and can incorporate all of the above elements as well as more traditional aspects such as academic qualifications.

But I've said this before and I'll say it again, these sorts of endeavours as with so many things seem to me like temporary sticking plaster sorts of solutions. The issue is often framed, although not quite so overtly, as one of helping women to be more like men. What we need is a radical rethink of the way we organise ourselves and society. Until we do that we're forcing square pegs into round holes and then acting surprised when we get splinters.
I absolutely do know how 'precious' those moments are.

I've been a parent of young kids too you know 🙄
I don't think there are any fewer mothers than father who need some peaceful 'me time' now and then.
As for the second part, well absolutely yes.

Which is why we run things differently here, and are working towards making things far less patriachal and hierachical too.

Aaaand taking that out into the bigger picture as well..

I no longer feel like I have to 'prove' myself in a man's world - but many women still do - it's hard particularly when you're starting out that that's what you have to 'measure up' to .
In terms of trades like mine it is often 'measured' too.
I'm 5'11" tools and machinery designed for men 'fit' me.
For the young (Japanese) woman who I was speaking to on Sunday, who wants to do this kind of work - those tools really don't fit.

Resistance to that sort of genuine social progress in terms of equality is complicated, it's intersectional, and there is push back all along the way ..

So - we just do what we can, between putting out the bins, planting seeds, wiping noses, and riding our bicycles right??

Edited for more blah..

Ok I'll actually knuckle down to some perfectly 'good enough' work now ;)
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Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
I absolutely do know how 'precious' those moments are.

I've been a parent of young kids too you know 🙄
I don't think there are any fewer mothers than father who need some peaceful 'me time' now and then.

I do appreciate that. Without getting into specifics and not wanting to diminish the experiences of any other parent, there is a bit more to it.


I do appreciate that. Without getting into specifics and not wanting to diminish the experiences of any other parent, there is a bit more to it.

I'm sure there is.

Just a bit like we all feel there is something indefinably special about our kids, that others may not 'see'
Because there is - they are indisputably unique individuals .

There is always a bit more to our experience of being a parent than is routinely portrayed.

Because we are, and always were, unique individuals with conditions, experiences, and difficulties and so on, that we brought to our own parenting.

Ime it's the hidden, and unspoken (unspeakable?) conditions and experiences that are the hardest to deal with, and integrate ..

But somehow most kids grow up OK.

In the end of course they get to blame you for all their own shortcomings.
And take all the credit for their own glories. 😇

Just like we did with our own parents 👍🏼


Bloody women!

Why can't a woman be more like a man?
Men are so honest, so thoroughly square;
Eternally noble, historically fair.
Who, when you win, will always give your back a pat.
Why can't a woman be like that?

Why must a woman indulge in such sin?
Attaching a cock to a wheelie bin?
Flashing her parts with a rictus grin.
Why can't she just get a man instead,
To satisfy her needs in a nice warm bed?

All your own work IC??
Quite the ditty if so.. 👍🏼

Even if crafted in response to a deliberately trolling post .
Sure I'm not the only one who was up early enough to see it was originally aimed at trying to bait AS .

How 'nice', how sophisticated, what a valuable contribution to the 'grown up' and 'skilful' debate.!!

I mean really it's just a hilarious bit of knowing back patting fun between friends right??

Just because it centred around a convicted sex offender - there's no need to be all unsophisticated and humourless about it is there??
I mean what's the matter with people these days - no sense of humour when it come to making some kind of weird capital out of the perpetrator of a sexual assault on a young girl 🙄

But like you say 'bloody women' why can't they just leave off..

..being women.??


when it come to making some kind of weird capital out of the perpetrator of a sexual assault on a young girl 🙄

Think you'll find it was a wheelie bin

But, the wider point of the post was relating back to previous discussions in that GRCs, whether under current legislation or self ID laws, offer predators like this no extra advantages. As it happens this trans woman's crimes were in public, but had she chosen to shag a bin in a woman's space she probably wouldn't have observed the administrative nicely of obtaining a GRC given that she wouldn't have needed one to gain entry.
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I read the entire article. I read everything. Always. The reference to the young girl did not relate to this incident. The person is clearly a prolific offender, which brings me on to my next point.

Sexual offences are sexual offences. If this person had a GRC it would have made no difference to her conviction for public exposure.


I read the entire article. I read everything. Always. The reference to the young girl did not relate to this incident. The person is clearly a prolific offender, which brings me on to my next point.

Sexual offences are sexual offences. If this person had a GRC it would have made no difference to her conviction for public exposure.

Well I'm highly dubious about your claimed motives for posting it originally, but be that as it may.

If self ID means this self ID'ing womans crimes are recorded as a crime committed by a woman, then it will skew the figures on crime, and distort them unfairly, which I understand is of concern to many.

It will definitely count as a point against self ID in many peoples view.


Well I'm highly dubious about your claimed motives for posting it originally, but be that as it may.

The claimed motive is pure. The unclaimed motive is that it was some delicious bait for AS to snaffle up.

If self ID means this self ID'ing womans crimes are recorded as a crime committed by a woman, then it will skew the figures on crime, and distort them unfairly, which I understand is of concern to many.

Let's not go over this again. It will be statistically irrelevant.


Legendary Member
I read the entire article. I read everything. Always. The reference to the young girl did not relate to this incident. The person is clearly a prolific offender, which brings me on to my next point.
Sexual offences are sexual offences. If this person had a GRC it would have made no difference to her conviction for public exposure.
Fair enough. If she were given jail time as a result, do you think she should still go to a women's prison? After all - she is "a lady".
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