And apologised immediately for the aggressive way in which you had made that mistake and used it to insult a female member of the forum.
Oh no - you forgot that bit,
Do look into your pathological inability to apologise or empathise with people, or to understand that when someone says something they believe to be correct that it isn't actually a lie. A lie is something stated to intentionally deceive. I have seen no evidence that @AuroraSaab does not believe the things she posts to be true and correct, any more than I have seen any evidence that you are able to consider other opinions and use them to consider moderating or adjusting your own extreme position / viewpoint.
I think maybe that's a failure of perception on your part, Ike, rather than mine.
By my count there are now at least seven people on this thread who have objected to Aurora's dishonesty.
Seven isn't coincidence.