I have made no error. The medical profession do not speak of 'intersex conditions' or 'medical conditions'. Lyss is a person with a DSD. The emphasis here is on 'person'. Andy and you are more focussed on a rush to label a person rather than to apply a modicum of emotional intelligence and take a walk in their shoes.
That's like saying sickle cell anemia isn't a medical condition and that doctors only speak of 'a person with sickle cell anemia'. Everybody with x genetic condition is
'a person with x'. It's still a medical condition. This is hair splitting to again attempt to conflate those with medical conditions with those who have a metaphysical belief about themselves.
In your rush to post you say in one breath that the exact variation in not specified, and in the next breath are talking about ambiguous genitalia. Had you taken the trouble to read the linked article and the one that you linked to, you will learn that Lyss has said that her external genitals are not ambiguous.
They say they are genetically male with internal, undescended testes and at 11 months appeared as a 'typical baby girl' - which presumably means no obvious male genitalia, despite being male. Sounds a bit like you are reducing being a woman to having a vagina - oh, dear, surely this is the biological essentialism that you so often whine about.
Neither the medical profession or the parents had been 'ignorant'. Lyss had thought to have had a hernia when eleven months old. It was then that it was discovered that Lyss was a person with a DSD.
It doesn't say which dsd was diagnosed but to advise the parent not to tell the child and leave them to find out at puberty or later seems ignorant at best, if not cruel, and I very much doubt anywhere in the West would recommend it today. Many dsd's have additional risk factors like heart and kidney trouble, and infertility.
Lyss is a person with a DSD; additionally she is trans person. One thing she talks about in her experiences is the difference in the way that she is treated by different genders - women tending to one perspective and men to another.
Here's their website. They describe themselves as "I'm an intersex, queer, trauma informed, yogi, coach, and witch". Doesn't mention the word trans once, as far as I can see.
They do call themselves part of the LGB etc community, but nowhere have I seen them call themselves trans. Why would they? Having a dsd is a completely different thing to having a metaphysical belief about yourself.
Good for them though, they've worked through the trauma of having a dsd condition and are using that experience to build a career and help others.