You transphobes really are quite something.
Define 'transphobia'.
S'funny how you draw so much ire (and name calling) on this one but 'dear old unreconstructed duffers' and their views -
such as Unkers' for instance - are tolerated as just that - The dear old duffer.

Unreconstructed dear old duffer. Brilliant!!
Time for a 'parable'.
A man in a not very happy marriage takes a fancy to one of his undergraduate daughter's friends. Would like to ask her out. So:
He self identifies as a 22 year old bloke. That makes him 22 then doesn't it?
He self identifies as single. That's that sorted.
If the girl or her parents don't take kindly to his approaches, is this 'phobic'?
He is one of those characters who likes reenacting old Civil War battles at weekends. Puts on the uniform of Cromwell's army and has achieved the rank of Colonel. Takes it all very seriously.
If he bowles up to work in his civil war uniform (minus flintlock and musket) having decided to include this too in his self ID, can he expect his colleagues to simply accept this, and should they address him by his rank of Colonel? Should this be enshrined in law?
With any analogy there is always an element of disanalogy, but I don't think my example is too far removed from what transgenderism is. It is not that farfetched - many people try to escape the world by pretending to be something or someone they are not. Maybe it wouldn't matter if it didn't affect anyone else, but transgenderism clearly does - it can be detrimental to women.
You are not what you self ID as. Words and declarations in and of themselves have no power to change reality.
Someone like the bloke above would be considered to have deep-rooted psychiatric problems, wouldn't it be better to deal with them, rather than enabling someone to go into a fantasy world that may not actually deal with real cause of their mental distress? Put the marriage right, deal with the childhood abuse etc.