Gender again. Sorry!

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Deleted member 159

Another fine upstanding cis - not.

You know it's pretty boring this game of top trumps. Happening to be cis, trans, straight, gay, christian, atheist, whatever makes no difference. There are all people complete with personality traits, character flaws, etc regardless of personal characteristics.

No such thing as CIS, you're either boy/girl, man/woman

Remember biologically impossible to change sex :okay:


Legendary Member
No such thing as CIS, you're either boy/girl, man/woman

Remember biologically impossible to change sex :okay:

Ah I see. What I see is that you don't even understand what cis gender actually means. I'll be sure to tell my non-binary biological woman, wife, and mother of two children friend that she can't be non-binary because you said it's biologically impossible to change sex. In fact sending her this now - the reply from her will be choice.


Legendary Member
Don't be such a prick - only a farking moron would think I'm suggesting such a thing - and you are not, so have a word with yourself.
Then why post a random story about a man and a dog as some sort of weird defence to a transwoman kidnapping and raping a child?

Yes, not all transwomen are dangerous predatory paedophiles any more than all cis men are predatory paedophiles, however every time a news story comes up that seems to support the notion that there is a sector of the trans community or pseudo trans community that is somewhat unsavoury, we get stuff like this posted instead of a proper discussion or acknowledgement that some men seem to be using trans as a sexual thrill fulfilment rather than being trans due to body dysmorphia.


Legendary Member
Ah I see. What I see is that you don't even understand what cis gender actually means.
Of course he doesn't. Because unless you buy into the foo foo that the magic gender fairy assigns you a gender at birth regardless of what dangly bits you have, cis gender is meaningless.

There seem to be roughly two schools of thought. One is that gender somehow magically gets assigned to you and that you can change it at will despite not being able to medically change your DNA or reproductive organs other than cosmetically. The other is that some people develop a body dysmorphism whereby their mental health suffers greatly and the way that they deal with this is to try to live as a different gender to that which they are biologically either just as a day to day physical thing or seeking medical interventions to hormonally and surgically alter their body. That's it.

Oh - We can talk about people with DSDs, but they are a third group of people who have a genetic abnormality which may or may not affect their quality of life and for whom medical intervention may or may not be needed depending on the type of genetic abnomality.

I'll be sure to tell my non-binary biological woman, wife, and mother of two children friend that she can't be non-binary because you said it's biologically impossible to change sex. In fact sending her this now - the reply from her will be choice.
She can be whatever she wants. It doesn't have to mean anything to anyone else. It's weird that she is a a she, a wife and mother and yet somehow not a woman. 99% of the world would say that she is a woman. That doesn't mean she can't dress in men's clothes and use a chainsaw or whatever. One of the nice things about our part of the world is that if you want to walk down the street dressed as a Christmas tree or whatever, no-one will bat an eye-lid. We should stop obsessing about labels.

Deleted member 159

Ah I see. What I see is that you don't even understand what cis gender actually means. I'll be sure to tell my non-binary biological woman, wife, and mother of two children friend that she can't be non-binary because you said it's biologically impossible to change sex. In fact sending her this now - the reply from her will be choice.

post her reply, I'll educate her on biological science facts :okay:
Re the 2 Court cases mentioned. They both involve men. Men are responsible for something like 98% of sex offences. The most common denominator amongst sex offending is sex, of both the perpetrator and the victim. The point is that there are no special sub sets of men to whom the safeguarding we apply to other men should not apply.

There are a few chess comps that are exclusively female for the same reason there are Women only pool comps and Women's dart leagues. To encourage female participation and raise the profile of the game. It's no more insulting to women than having under 21 football teams is insulting to 20 year olds.


Legendary Member
Then why post a random story about a man and a dog as some sort of weird defence to a transwoman kidnapping and raping a child?

Yes, not all transwomen are dangerous predatory paedophiles any more than all cis men are predatory paedophiles, however every time a news story comes up that seems to support the notion that there is a sector of the trans community or pseudo trans community that is somewhat unsavoury, we get stuff like this posted instead of a proper discussion or acknowledgement that some men seem to be using trans as a sexual thrill fulfilment rather than being trans due to body dysmorphia.

For real, I need to explain this? OK. Andy and AS have been very keen to search the internet to find outlier cases of trans women who look the freakiest to the outlier cases of trans women who commit offences, as if these are representative of the trans community, or suggesting that all other trans women are responsible for policing all others, or something.

I didn't have to trawl the internet for the dog rapist story - it was in the local paper and the perp lives about a mile away from me. However I do not suggest that this is typical behaviour of all cis men such as yourself. Indeed not, I've taken flack from women here for defending cis men from stereotyping.

I've tried proper discussion here but it's futile because of the behaviour of a few twats, and you yourself have not been entirely innocent.


Legendary Member
Re the 2 Court cases mentioned. They both involve men. Men are responsible for something like 98% of sex offences. The most common denominator amongst sex offending is sex, of both the perpetrator and the victim. The point is that there are no special sub sets of men to whom the safeguarding we apply to other men should not apply.

There are a few chess comps that are exclusively female for the same reason there are Women only pool comps and Women's dart leagues. To encourage female participation and raise the profile of the game. It's no more insulting to women than having under 21 football teams is insulting to 20 year olds.

You need to be reminded again about your casual use / abuse of stats to make your points.

The figures are skewed by men who are multiple / serial offenders.

They are further skewed by the justice system disadvantages men and favours women - I've given the stats that prove this. In fact the judiciary are well-aware of the problem.

Indeed there are no subsets of men or women. The law says that of those people with a GRC and amended BC, trans women are women, and trans men are men. I can't help it that you don't like this fact.


Legendary Member
For real, I need to explain this? OK. Andy and AS have been very keen to search the internet to find outlier cases of trans women who look the freakiest to the outlier cases of trans women who commit offences, as if these are representative of the trans community, or suggesting that all other trans women are responsible for policing all others, or something.
They didn't have to search the internet for that story. It was a lead piece on all major new sites.
I didn't have to trawl the internet for the dog rapist story - it was in the local paper and the perp lives about a mile away from me. However I do not suggest that this is typical behaviour of all cis men such as yourself. Indeed not, I've taken flack from women here for defending cis men from stereotyping.
No, but you deliberately posted it as a counter example.

I get your point and there is an element of the "dog bites human" phenomenon whereby after one news source prints/posts a news story about an event happening, all news sources then start reporting every instance of that thing happening suggesting an increase which isn't actually there.

I think the reason for bringing up these stories is the constant presentation of the argument that all transwomen are entirely safe and wouldn't hurt a fly. Personally I think the weakness of this argument is that we are conflating people who are not transwomen but pretending to be such because they can, with those who actually live their lives as transwomen as it is the only way that they feel that they can live a life.

I've also said before that whilst we keep batting this back and forward, no-one has an issue with people wanting to be trans, trying to live as another gender etc. I hope all of us would be willing to help and support such people. However there does have to be balance and it is necessary to question things like inclusion in sport, access to refuges etc where the rights of another group (i.e. women) would be negated. The best way to deal with this would be research and open discussion but that doesn't seem to be possible whilst we have activist groups trying to silence discussion.
It still counts as a male sex offence whether it's the first rape or the 5th rape. If anything the fact that some men are repeat sexual offenders, and women presumably aren't, surely tells you something about male pattern offending. As to the justice system favouring women, you can't seriously be suggesting that there are women sex offenders who are not being prosecuted to the extent that they are only convicted of 2% of sex crimes. Seems unlikely.

Edit: As usual we're back with the personal insults .... clown, morons, tw*ts. Not exactly the kind of discourse that will win arguments, though obviously the purpose is to shut it down not win it.
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Legendary Member
She can be whatever she wants. It doesn't have to mean anything to anyone else. It's weird that she is a a she, a wife and mother and yet somehow not a woman. 99% of the world would say that she is a woman. That doesn't mean she can't dress in men's clothes and use a chainsaw or whatever. One of the nice things about our part of the world is that if you want to walk down the street dressed as a Christmas tree or whatever, no-one will bat an eye-lid. We should stop obsessing about labels.

No it is isn't weird to anyone using emotional intelligence. She is a highly intelligent woman capable of her own self-knowledge. What you can not understand, does not make it woo woo - it means you are failing. There are things that I don't understand, but I'm not somebody who therefore either claims that it is woo woo, or pretends instead that the answer is simply the opposite of what those with the highest levels of understanding are saying.

What is 'weird' is the number of people who think that there is some great designer and creator programming how people must think and socially behave.

There is this long narrative here about protected belief and compelled speech. It's completely absent from these authors that they are arguing to compel their own beliefs on the basis of the existence of an imaginary being - these being the only acceptable ones.


Legendary Member
No, but you deliberately posted it as a counter example.

I didn't have you down as being as clownish as Andy - however, you keep providing this evidence. You could have gone back to my post after the first challenge and realise that you have again farked up in order to undermine the poster, but you didn't, you just kept on. And this is what you morons keep doing - just keeping on.

So stop and think before just bashing the keys. If a post starts with the words, 'it's boring playing top trumps' and then provides an example of what they are talking about - then that is what they are talking about, and not some other presumption or your silly invention.


Legendary Member
It still counts as a male sex offence whether it's the first rape or the 5th rape. If anything the fact that some men are repeat sexual offenders, and women presumably aren't, surely tells you something about male pattern offending. As to the justice system favouring women, you can't seriously be suggesting that there are women sex offenders who are not being prosecuted to the extent that they are only convicted of 2% of sex crimes. Seems unlikely.

Yes men commit more sex-related offences than women. Also men are better at some sports and parking cars because of their superior spatial perception. Oh and women are typically better at verbal and non-verbal communication; also women say they are superior in emotional reasoning compared to men.

And yet, there is no such think as gendered or sexed brain - or so you will say, but then make batshit crazy arguments to ban trans women from playing chess against cis women.

I get that you can not understand how brains work, because I don't know either - but one of us here does not make wild claims that they know that a trans person can not think differently about themselves to another person, or that to do so is not legitimate.
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