qigong chimp
Settler of gobby hash.
You're conflating Jimmy Savile's criminality with being a lesbian?
Perhaps we ought to think more soberly about what happens at death. It's the last enemy for everyone.
The smallest sprout
Walt Whitman, May 31, 1819 to March 26, 1892"...The smallest sprout shows there is really no death,
You're conflating Jimmy Savile's criminality with being a lesbian?
I wasn't talking about controlling anybody. Rather the outworking of two worldviews and the implications of them. In an atheist universe, if someone wants to leave their wife for someone else younger and healthier, why shouldn't they? You shall not commit adultery is only an opinion, you can take it or leave it, and you will never have to give an account for it. When Savile died, during his last breath he could smile and say I got away with it. Those who enabled and covered for him could also breath a sigh of relief, what they had done will no longer come to light in an earthly court. Since none of us survive in this universe, why even bother about concepts such as justice and rights? The universe is amoral.
Hardly. I didn't think being a lesbian was a criminal offence, so it is not comparing like with like.
Walt Whitman, May 31, 1819 to March 26, 1892
Hardly. I didn't think being a lesbian was a criminal offence, so it is not comparing like with like.
conflict tainted by the most appalling double-dealing of the then British governments in the early to middle 20th century. I'm embarrassed by the history of British involvement,
A lot of the problem as I understand it stems from the stupid British during the mandate. They tried to allow immigration into the land by both Jews and Arabs, a sure recipe for conflict. They then tried to prevent Jewish immigration from Europe, even sending them back to camps in Germany. Some time ago I heard an Israeli pastor (an Englishman listening to a Polish Jew speaking German!) who was a holocaust survivor recount his experiences in Poland and the Warsaw uprising, and subsequent mistreatment by the British when he attempted to get to Israel. In the circumstances not the country's finest hour.
That's a depressing way of looking at it. I always preferred Pratchett's take on death as the sort of chap who turns up to help the elderly or prematurely dead into whatever they think might be happening next.Perhaps we ought to think more soberly about what happens at death. It's the last enemy for everyone
God has been replace by Self and personal autonomy.