I'm genuinely interested in the answer to this question - what benefit does a GRC really have? Is the sole benefit to give someone who is Trans a piece of paper to cling to? Men can marry and have relationships with men or women and vice versa and choose how to live their lives however they want. The only other benefit of a GRC would seem to be for people who have previously been men to be able to gain access to spaces that they were previously not legally allowed to access, and this seems very questionable.
I'm sure I've explained this to you specifically before and more than once.
But hey ho.
The historical context is that the UK was dragged kicking and screaming to pass the Gender Recognition Act, which sets out the framework to get a GRC, following a high profile Human Rights Case decided by the court in Strasbourg.
A GRC is there to allow a person to be legally fully recognised in their preferred gender. They get a new birth certificate showing that. They can then marry and, when the time comes, be certified dead in their preferred/adopted gender. That's all.
Although gay people could get a Civil Partnership under legislation passed in the same timeframe as the Gender Recognition Act that was no help to a transwoman wanting to marry a man. Neither did same sex marriage for the obvious reason that a transwoman marrying a man isn't a same sex transaction.
Until Gender Critical views took root it wasn't seen as having anything to do with accessing spaces. Fifteen years ago when my then colleague Barry was transitioning to become Heather she went in the ladies loo and did what was needed in the privacy of a cubicle. There was no suggestion she should have a GRC in order to do so.
I can decide tomorrow I want to be called Simone. I can dress like a woman and, overtime, learn to behave as society expects a woman to behave. I can be prescribed hormones that will cause me to develop breasts. If I want to have my testes and scrotum removed and my penis turned inside out to become a 'vagina' I can.
In that scenario I'm going to use the female toilets and the female changing room at the gym. I'd do the same even if I still had a willy in my pants.
@AuroraSaab sets her gender police on me for a peek and a feel I'm not likely to be challenged.