Gender again. Sorry!

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Legendary Member
The only people who can provide health care for people who wish to change gender are Mental Health Professionals. Where do you think they hang out? Starbucks?

If transwomen don't have a mental health condition but are innately female, why do they need any intervention at all? Surely they are just women with beards and testicles?

We don't provide medical intervention for gay men and women because they don't need it. For some reason, despite not suffering from any mental health condition or disorder, transwomen and men seem to require medical treatment. That being the case, they must have a condition to treat.

My overall analysis of all this is that a perfectly good village somewhere is missing a perfectly good idiot.

No analogy is perfect, but your analysis is along the lines that a person that is injured in an IED incident should have their leg amputated in a mental health hospital because they may experience distress which your software tells you is a mental health condition.
Agreed. I wasn't thinking of access to toilets. I have previously agreed with you that it's a bit of a fatuous argument.
I was more thinking that it's likely to be used for legal redress if a transwoman is specifically excluded from a women only facility or group (e.g. rape shelter, Lesbian singles night) where really it shouldn't be.

AIUI the GRC itself is a direction to the Registrar General to issue a new birth certificate. It's not something you keep in your wallet like a Driving Licence.

Heather has a birth certificate that says she was born Heather Louise sometime during the war. For legal purposes she's a woman. All this stuff about rape shelters and Lesbian singles nights is what my late Father would have called my eye and Betty Martin. Or to use the technical term bollocks.

It doesn't happen now all but 20 years after the GRA. There's no reason to think that if the Scottish provision which has, somewhat unhelpfully with hindsight, been seen as allowing people to 'self certify' would change that.

People, whatever their sex/gender and paperwork, creating mayhem in a nightclub or DV shelter are breaking laws and/or conditions of entry and will be dealt with by the police or bouncers.
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Legendary Member
AIUI the GRC itself is a direction to the Registrar General to issue a new birth certificate. It's not something you keep in your wallet like a Driving Licence.

Heather has a birth certificate that says she was born Heather Louise sometime during the war. For legal purposes she's a woman. All this stuff about rape shelters an Lesbian singles nights is what my late Father would have called my eye and Betty Martin. Or to use the technical term bollocks.

It doesn't happen now all but 20 years after the GRA. There's no reason to think that if the Scottish provision which has, somewhat unhelpfully with hindsight, been seen as allowing people to 'self certify' would change that.

People, whatever their sex/gender and paperwork, creating mayhem in a nightclub or DV shelter are breaking laws and/or conditions of entry and will be dealt with by the police or bouncers.

AIUI the GRC itself is a direction to the Registrar General to issue a new birth certificate. It's not something you keep in your wallet like a Driving Licence.

Heather has a birth certificate that says she was born Heather Louise sometime during the war. For legal purposes she's a woman. All this stuff about rape shelters an Lesbian singles nights is what my late Father would have called my eye and Betty Martin. Or to use the technical term bollocks.

It doesn't happen now all but 20 years after the GRA. There's no reason to think that if the Scottish provision which has, somewhat unhelpfully with hindsight, been seen as allowing people to 'self certify' would change that.

People, whatever their sex/gender and paperwork, creating mayhem in a nightclub or DV shelter are breaking laws and/or conditions of entry and will be dealt with by the police or bouncers.

This is correct (natch). The GR panel make a number of outputs on a case approval. One is to issue a GRC. Another is to direct the registrar general to issue a new birth certificate. Additionally they direct the NHS to change the person's NHS number, they direct other public services such as the DVLA and Passport Office and tax office to protect the person's identity. This is to ensure that as far as possible that the person does not have to reveal their 'trans' identity to anyone. The police are permitted to see the former identity but again are required to put in place measures to protect it.

Although these measures were well-intended, they rarely run smoothly producing all manner of difficulty along the way. For example, as my niece found out, the person can not hire a car since the licence details do not appear on the database available to hire companies. To overcome this the person has on each occasion to obtain a secret code from the DVLA to present at the hire firm desk which gives then gives them access. The code then because of its nature then tells everyone at the hire company that you are in fact a trans person.

It's amazing then, given the arrangements made to protect an identity to think that Aurora's gender police think they not only have such right as to carry out an inquisition in public, demand to see a GRC if they suspect a person may be trans, have the right to examine genitals, or remove a person from a public space.

This is the whole problem with the third toilet approach, the system requires the person to 'out' themselves so anyone that is watching every time they need to use the loo - not appropriate!
I can decide tomorrow I want to be called Simone. I can dress like a woman and, overtime, learn to behave as society expects a woman to behave. I can be prescribed hormones that will cause me to develop breasts. If I want to have my testes and scrotum removed and my penis turned inside out to become a 'vagina' I can.
It all comes down to stereotypes in the end. Performing stereotypes = 'woman'.

In that scenario I'm going to use the female toilets and the female changing room at the gym. I'd do the same even if I still had a willy in my pants.
So you're basically bragging that as a male you'll use women's and girl's toilets and changing rooms because you want to, despite surveys showing many of them don't want you there, and regardless of how uncomfortable it might make them feel. Does that apply to rape support groups for women? Domestic violence refuges?

All you are doing here is demonstrating what a huge sense of entitlement a man like you has. 'Woman' is a performance and men who perform it can go where they like.

Unless @AuroraSaab sets her gender police on me for a peek and a feel I'm not likely to be challenged.

Again, what an insight into your ignorance and entitlement. There's a reason why women and girls wouldn't challenge an adult male in their changing room .... have a guess. But no, you think their silence means they would approve of you being there. In your arrogance you mistake acquiescence for approval.


Legendary Member

The result of an inability to separate the hypothetical from the actual.

Let people pee in peace.
All this stuff about rape shelters and Lesbian singles nights is what my late Father would have called my eye and Betty Martin. Or to use the technical term bollocks.
'It doesn't matter to me so it shouldn't matter to anyone'. Women are allowed to have stuff for themselves.

People, whatever their sex/gender and paperwork, creating mayhem in a nightclub or DV shelter are breaking laws and/or conditions of entry and will be dealt with by the police or bouncers.
So let's wait for an incident in the women's domestic violence refuge and deal with it afterwards? Obviously the day to day distress of traumatised women having to share a facility with a male isn't in itself worthy of thinking about. If one gets assaulted the police will deal with it, until then their discomfort doesn't matter, right?

These are the luxury beliefs of someone who can't see beyond their own experience in which all men are lovely, especially the ones who perform Woman, and women and girls should really just get over themselves.
@AuroraSaab I'm not bragging and I'm not feeling entitled.

My discussion about 'Simone' is simply illustrative of how this stuff works on the ground and did so long before the idea of a GRC was floated.

So far as they are concerned Simone is a woman. If she's had downstairs surgery then I'd challenge you to be sure, in a changing room context, she was not a natal woman.

If there's a penis in her pants then she should be discreet in changing rooms - cubicles and changing cucumbers are her friend.

In closing I am, frankly, grossly offended by your personal attack (Edit in both #9499 and #9501) on a post attempting serious discussion and would welcome a retraction and apology.

Deleted member 159

In closing I am, frankly, grossly offended by your personal attack (Edit in both #9499 and #9501) on a post attempting serious discussion and would welcome a retraction and apology.

Yeah right, woke sensitivity


Next you will seeing your solicitor



Legendary Member
Yeah right, woke sensitivity


Next you will seeing your solicitor


I said something earlier about a perfectly good village missing a perfectly good idiot.

Good news: your complaint here is valid.

That was very singular of me; I apologise for excluding you.


Legendary Member
Do you mean "Why did the war start?"

CXRAndy: Yeah.

Poster 1: The war started because of the vile Hun and his villainous empire-building.

Poster 2: The British Empire at present covers a quarter of the globe, while the German Empire consists of a small sausage factory in Tanganyika. I hardly think that we can be entirely absolved of blame on the imperialistic front.

Poster 1: Oh, no, sir, absolutely not. [aside, to CXRAndy] Mad as a bicycle!

CXRAndy: I heard that it started when a bloke called Archie Duke shot an ostrich 'cause he was hungry.

Poster 2: I think you mean it started when the Archduke of Austro-Hungary got shot.

CXRAndy: Nah, there was definitely an ostrich involved,
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Deleted member 159

It's good to know which are the woke sensitive flower types.

I can put , look away at the bottom of my posts :tongue:


Über Member
In closing I am, frankly, grossly offended by your personal attack (Edit in both #9499 and #9501) on a post attempting serious discussion and would welcome a retraction and apology.
In that scenario I'm going to use the female toilets and the female changing room at the gym. I'd do the same even if I still had a willy in my pants.
Man up Brompton - from a GC point of view you were being more than a bit arrogant and got called out for it.


Legendary Member
It's good to know which are the woke sensitive flower types.

I can put , look away at the bottom of my posts :tongue:

Snowflakes are for life, not just for Christmas. I can be here all year.

You do remember that 'woke' means 'enlightened'? If you are not 'woke' then you must be unenlightened. If 'not woke' is your claim, then I hardly feel inclined to move to differ or disagree.

You're welcome.
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Deleted member 159

Snowflakes are for life, not just for Christmas. I can be here all year.

You do remember that 'woke' means 'enlightened'? If you are not 'woke' then you must be unenlightened. If 'not woke' is your claim, then I hardly feel inclined to move to differ or disagree.

You're welcome.

It's obvious you have the skin of a 🦏🦏

No worries 😁
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