Gender again. Sorry!

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Master of the Inane Comment
We have @Unkraut who tells us that we mustn't think because the sky fairy decides everything.
Mockery, albeit common, is not an argument against Christianity!

Contrary to your assertion, we need to start thinking, it is the absence of thought that is half of the problem on this issue. Until you have defined what a women is, you cannot define what transitioning is. There doesn't seem to be a resolution of this problem in sight.
and to Unkraut because he wants to indoctrinate them with his fantasies,
I don't think the woke sector is in much of a position to talk about fantasies. If anyone with a biological age of 62 were to self-identify as being 22 and had surgery to attempt to align their physical body with this identity, and produced a new birth certificate with the new age on it, would this mean they were actually 22? It would be make believe, and when attempted is rarely successful. What is the difference between this and transgenderism? Why not accept the truth you are what you are from a biological point of view.

You might argue they have the right to live how they want, but even so they do not have a right to insist everyone else has to go along with it.

I don't think this is an absurd example, it has worked the other way round often enough with people lying about their age to get access to places they shouldn't until they are old enough.
You are one of the useful idiots recruited from the left to support the bigotry of the evangelical Christian groups on the right.
What standard are you using to assess that evangelical Christian groups are bigots? That and the word 'hate' seem to come up with monotonous regularity.


Legendary Member
Mockery, albeit common, is not an argument against Christianity!

Contrary to your assertion, we need to start thinking, it is the absence of thought that is half of the problem on this issue. Until you have defined what a women is, you cannot define what transitioning is. There doesn't seem to be a resolution of this problem in sight.

I don't think the woke sector is in much of a position to talk about fantasies. If anyone with a biological age of 62 were to self-identify as being 22 and had surgery to attempt to align their physical body with this identity, and produced a new birth certificate with the new age on it, would this mean they were actually 22? It would be make believe, and when attempted is rarely successful. What is the difference between this and transgenderism? Why not accept the truth you are what you are from a biological point of view.

You might argue they have the right to live how they want, but even so they do not have a right to insist everyone else has to go along with it.

I don't think this is an absurd example, it has worked the other way round often enough with people lying about their age to get access to places they shouldn't until they are old enough.

What standard are you using to assess that evangelical Christian groups are bigots? That and the word 'hate' seem to come up with monotonous regularity.

Go on then define what a woman is. We'll see how long you last.
Did you actually read that article?

How would you react if you woke up and dudes were stripping you? Go full "Women in Love" and get to wrestling?

If they read it they didn't comprehend.

Essentially it's about the performative inhumanity of Home Office Ministers (Jenrick natch) towards people seeking Asylum. One of the examples is a Trans man*, others are gay and/or have serious mental health issues. In a normal world the Home Office would instruct its providers to allow reasonable adjustments.

*This perhaps shows that, for all the GC team focus on male>female people those travelling in the opposite direction have issues too.


One of the examples is a Trans man*..... In a normal world the Home Office would instruct its providers to allow reasonable adjustments.

I thought you wanted people to be allocated according to gender identity not sex? When the trans person is uncomfortable with that arrangement then it can be put aside, but when women are uncomfortable with it they have to just put up with it according to you. There are no reasonable adjustments for them.

Transmen asylum seekers should have their own room so they are safe from men, as should gay men, or other vulnerable individuals. It's a shame you don't extend that courtesy to women in other circumstances.

*This perhaps shows that, for all the GC team focus on male>female people those travelling in the opposite direction have issues too.
... because it's the males who identify as women who are seeking access to women's spaces and services. Relatively few transmen are demanding to be in men's sports for example. And it's up to men to decide about that.


Legendary Member
You might argue they have the right to live how they want, but even so they do not have a right to insist everyone else has to go along with it.

This matches my view of the right to religious belief. Early on in discussions with you, I stated this as my position. This did not serve to cause you to shift or moderate your position. I then started responding to your posts in kind.

You think that some convention rights are some great delusion while clinging to your own rights and those others in your group. This is my view of people with religious view, they do not respect the rights of others - literally claiming a moral high ground. Please do go ahead and live your best life, but never presume that your faith or moral code hold supremacy over the rights of others.

The law facilitates those who seek gender recognition. You are required to respect both the law and their human rights, as am I.

The present position is that we have a government who are entirely happy with the UK education system being dominated by faith schools. This despite the fact that the census results show that the UK is not really a religious country. We have the archbishops who are guaranteed seats in the Lords. This is all undemocratic.

Deleted member 159

The UK is a Christian faith country. There are however large areas mainly cities that are being overtaken with other religions

What is the largest religion in the UK 2023?

Religion in England - Wikipedia

Religion in England
  • Christianity (46.3%)
  • No religion (36.7%)
  • Islam (6.7%)
  • Hinduism (1.8%)
  • Sikhism (0.9%)
  • Buddhism (0.5%)
  • Judaism (0.5%)
Around a third of schools in England are faith schools, only 14% in Scotland and 14% in Wales are. The UK state school system isn't dominated by faith schools.

This despite the fact that the census results show that the UK is not really a religious country.
63% of respondents recorded their religion in the census. The UK is no longer a predominantly Christian country but it remains a mostly religious one.

We have the archbishops who are guaranteed seats in the Lords. This is all undemocratic.

The HOL needs reform for many reasons. The archbishop thing is simply part of the same historical legacy when church, state, and aristocracy were not segregated. Undemocratic but they are hardly seeking to wreak religious havoc in UK law.

We should be happy that religion has little influence on UK politics but not overstate the power it has.
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