Gender again. Sorry!

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fozy tornip

Sucede que me canso de ser hombre.
Sucede que entro en las sastrerías y en los cines
marchito, impenetrable, como un cisne de fieltro
Navegando en un agua de origen y ceniza.


Senior Member
63% of respondents recorded their religion in the census. The UK is no longer a predominantly Christian country but it remains a mostly religious one.
A lot of those respondents are likely to be only nominally religious - born into a particular faith and still regard themselves as part of it despite taking no active part.
Could be worse, we could be a predominantly Catholic country with the Pope and his particular brand of misogyny.


Senior Member
I agree. Now consider national curriculum etc. The christian church still has undue influence.
A lot of those respondents are likely to be only nominally religious - born into a particular faith and still regard themselves as part of it despite taking no active part.
Oooo Bob, don't be telling people what their identity is or isn't. What happened to 'You are who you say you are'? If they say they're Christian they're Christian, mate.

I'm joking of course, I agree most will be non attenders, and there are other religious groups who would like to be more influential in UK politics than the C of E.
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I agree. Now consider national curriculum etc. The christian church still has undue influence.

Unless they teach Creationism in science in UK schools I've not seen much of it. Even C of E faith schools are pretty benign. Don't know much about Catholic schools but non Catholic acquaintances who sent their kids to them haven't felt it was heavy handed like it used to be.

The national curriculum is exactly that. It might favour a British historial perspective in topics but it's hardly Christian in nature. Even the thing that says assemblies/worship should be broadly Christian in character is routinely played down or ignored by schools.

If you want to see religious influence in UK education better to look at madrassah schools and the tiny number of fundamentalist sects who teach what they like in an out of school setting.


Christianity is a lesser prison. Unless maybe you are in the US.


Politics is another prison where it often seems all about getting one over.

Look how Greta ended up becoming a hate figure.
... because it's the males who identify as women who are seeking access to women's spaces and services. Relatively few transmen are demanding to be in men's sports for example. And it's up to men to decide about that.
Maybe you can give a percentage, you seem quite happy to throw them in when it suits you, of the number of trans women "demanding" to be allowed into women's areas and activities. Relative to the actual number of trans women.

Have you considered that the fact that trans men may be more accepted into men's areas, purely because there's no-one demanding their exclusion.

Consider the following in your answer.
"Trans men athletes are not deemed as having a physiological advantage over their cisgender male counterparts (Burnett, 2021). Therefore, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), as of 2015, stated that “Those who transition from female to male are eligible to compete in the male category without restriction.” Furthermore, The World Athletics Eligibility Regulations for Transgender Athletes (2019) stipulates a transgender “male athlete must provide a written and signed declaration, in a form satisfactory to the Medical Manager, that his gender identity is male.”
Have you considered that the fact that trans men may be more accepted into men's areas, purely because there's no-one demanding their exclusion.
Why is that? Why would a men's rugby team not be at all worried about the opposing team having a woman on it, but a women's team might be worried about playing a women's team with a man on it? Or a male jujitsu fighter not object to fighting a transman but a female fighter might object to a bout with a transwoman? It's a mystery only Scooby and the gang could solve ...

Why would a male prisoner not care about being banged up with a female born prisoner on their wing but a woman prisoner might object to a transwoman one?

Including transmen in male spaces comes at a low cost to men in terms of safety, dignity, and of fairness in sports. That's why it's less of an issue for men than it is for women.
That's why men might be more accepting (if they in fact are) of transmen. They can afford to be.
Funny though that transmen who say they are gay seem to find it very hard to find gay men willing to date them so perhaps men aren't as accepting as you imagine.

Consider the following in your answer.
"Trans men athletes are not deemed as having a physiological advantage over their cisgender male counterparts (Burnett, 2021). Therefore, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), as of 2015, stated that “Those who transition from female to male are eligible to compete in the male category without restriction.”

... your own quote explains why men don't much care if women are in their class for sports ffs.

Iszac Henig is a transman who switched from competing as a female swimmer to competing as a male. After being recognised as an All American outstanding swimmer as a female they are now finishing last, despite being on testosterone.

Iszac was beaten by a guy with an arm missing. This is why men don't care about transmen in their sports or spaces. It doesn't much affect them.

Back on ignore you go. Must remember to log in so I don't have to see your posts.
Why is that? Why would a men's rugby team not be at all worried about the opposing team having a woman on it, but a women's team might be worried about playing a women's team with a man on it? Or a male jujitsu fighter not object to fighting a transman but a female fighter might object to a bout with a transwoman? It's a mystery only Scooby and the gang could solve ...

Why would a male prisoner not care about being banged up with a female born prisoner on their wing but a woman prisoner might object to a transwoman one?

Including transmen in male spaces comes at a low cost to men in terms of safety, dignity, and of fairness in sports. That's why it's less of an issue for men than it is for women.
That's why men might be more accepting (if they in fact are) of transmen. They can afford to be.
Funny though that transmen who say they are gay seem to find it very hard to find gay men willing to date them so perhaps men aren't as accepting as you imagine.

... your own quote explains why men don't much care if women are in their class for sports ffs.

Iszac Henig is a transman who switched from competing as a female swimmer to competing as a male. After being recognised as an All American outstanding swimmer as a female they are now finishing last, despite being on testosterone.

Iszac was beaten by a guy with an arm missing. This is why men don't care about transmen in their sports or spaces. It doesn't much affect them.

Back on ignore you go. Must remember to log in so I don't have to see your posts.
Maybe you can answer the questions asked, which means having to provide clear examples, instead of diverting the subject to the piece I quoted.

There's no male anglers demanding that trans men be excluded from their sport.


Legendary Member
Maybe you can answer the questions asked, which means having to provide clear examples, instead of diverting the subject to the piece I quoted.
The question you asked was:-
Have you considered that the fact that trans men may be more accepted into men's areas, purely because there's no-one demanding their exclusion.
Aurora answered the question. She has considered it and it's not relevant as women and transmen present no competition to men in any physical sport.

There's no male anglers demanding that trans men be excluded from their sport.
Because they are stronger than any transman. Transmen are not relevant to them. Female anglers cannot compete in strength with men which therefore limits the size of fish that they can physically land. Transwomen have a competitive advantage by being born male. Hence transwomen are not part of the women's sport.
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