Oh I see. You're only counting those with a GRC - they are counted in the Women's stats if they are men with a GRC or in the Men's stats if they are women with a GRC. There's no data about their crimes as far as I know.
This is sneaky of you though isn't it? You now only want those with a GRC to be counted as transgender, but you know that they aren't covered in the analysis and data.
This goes against everything you've said in this thread. What happened to 'gender is innate' and all your pontificating on the Equality Act - which says you don't need a GRC to be regarded as transgender? What happened to 'You are who you say you are'?
So now only those with a GRC are genuinely transgender? Who are you to say these offenders aren't trans when that's how they identify? Only 5k GRC's have been issued so that leaves most UK transgender people as not trans according to you.
How predictably disingenuous of you.
It's not my counting. It's the data from the Ministry of Justice. I've explained to you how prisoners are counted using extracts from the Ministry of Justice. I don't want 'those with a GRC to be counted as transgender', they are a different cohort to trans men and trans women.
'What happened to you who you say you are?' I can't believe you are asking. Second appeal to reason ...
There were 230 transgender prisoners in the 2022 data collection This was increase on the figure of 197 recorded in 2021. Most reported their legal gender as male 187 prisoners reported their legal gender as male, 43 as female.
That debunks this invented notion that the majority of transgender prisoners identify as the opposite sex. They don't. Their gender identity is male. They are not protected under the EqA. There is no requirement for them to go to female prisons, and they don't. They go to male prisons.
If you think you can just jumble up the words trans and transgender in some random fashion and sound convincing about it, then everybody here will see through you, with the possible exception of the one ultra-thick member of our community.
Stop reading the Daily Torybile's false narrative and study the data. Soon you should realise that this narrative is false.
Based on the 2021/2 data, there were just 6 transgender people in the female prison estate. All others were in the male estate. There is nothing to suggest that any of these 6 people were violent or dangerous. Given the risk assessment process being the way it is, I will very much doubt it.
Eleven trans prisoners were also being held. The breakdown into trans men / trans women is withheld data. The nature of their offences is unknown. Their prison placements is unknown.
In the absence of data, you can't just make stuff up.