Gender again. Sorry!

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A new review of all the available research on puberty blockers concludes there is poor evidence of benefit.

Just click to translate from the German.

'Current evidence does not clearly suggest gender dysphoria and mental health significantly improve when puberty blockers and cross sex hormones are given to minors.. '

'(Minors) should primarily receive pyschotherapeutic interventions...'

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Not true. They are simply differentiating between trans people with a GRC and those without. They still use the term 'transgender' for the 230+ without GRCs.

That is very different from saying that those without a GRC aren't trans.

What a lot of effort to try to escape the fact men who say they are trans have a higher offending rate.

Honestly, it would be far easier to state the obvious. Some men have a fetish, and some will try to game the prison system and claim to be trans. But you can't say that because it throws up the whole question of such men pretending to be women in order to access women's other spaces.
Would the above explain the 500+ percent increase in trans men, held in men's prisons in the last year.

As for honesty, you need to take a look at what you've posted over the years.


Legendary Member
A new review of all the available research on puberty blockers concludes there is poor evidence of benefit.

Just click to translate from the German.

'Current evidence does not clearly suggest gender dysphoria and mental health significantly improve when puberty blockers and cross sex hormones are given to minors.. '

'(Minors) should primarily receive pyschotherapeutic interventions...'

View attachment 5548

Here we go.

Proven to be an idiot and a liar in the ongoing discussion.

Quickly tries to change the subject when exposed as an idiot and a liar.

You are so obvious.
A new review of all the available research on puberty blockers concludes there is poor evidence of benefit.

Just click to translate from the German.

'Current evidence does not clearly suggest gender dysphoria and mental health significantly improve when puberty blockers and cross sex hormones are given to minors.. '

'(Minors) should primarily receive pyschotherapeutic interventions...'

View attachment 5548
Is there a sudden rush of minors now seeking access to women's prisons, or is it just the deflection technique being employed by yourself yet again?
Quickly tries to change the subject when exposed as an idiot and a liar. You are so obvious.
Hardly. The MOJ say there are 230+ transgender prisoners, plus another 11 trans prisoners with GRCs. For some reason known only to you, you imagine this to be some huge Gotcha that says there are only 11 trans prisoners. It doesn't. It's desperate grasping at straws stuff to say that it is.

Is there a sudden rush of minors now seeking access to women's prisons, or is it just the deflection technique being employed by yourself yet again?

No idea why you are conflating two different issues.

When the MOJ say there are 230+ transgender prisoners, plus 11 transgender prisoners with a GRC, that's exactly what they mean. Otherwise they wouldn't say it.

This idea that someone is only trans when they have a GRC is desperate stuff to avoid the uncomfortable facts that the stats show.

As usual, it takes very little for you two to lose your rag and resort to personal comments.


Legendary Member
Hardly. The MOJ say there are 230+ transgender prisoners, plus another 11 trans prisoners with GRCs.

Yes, finally the stuck penny is descending in the slot.

For some reason known only to you, you imagine this to be some huge Gotcha that says there are only 11 trans prisoners. It doesn't. It's desperate grasping at straws stuff to say that it is.

It's known to everybody with two functioning brain cells reading the report.

There is no Gotcha.

What there is, is clear evidence that the claims made by GC groups and you about large numbers of violent men having access to women in women's gaols is completely false and alarmist propaganda.

All but six of the 187 transgender legally male prisoners were in male prisons. The six others were in female prisons having been subject to the machinery of complex case boards and risk assessment - meaning they were considered safe.

As for the eleven, the data is withheld. No data, no comment, other than 'there's no data' unless or until there is data in a later report.

Since the date of the linked report, the regulations have changed. In all probability there are now less trans people in the women's prison estate than at the time of the last report. (I know only of two).
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Deleted member 159

Wait. You're a farmer and you pay someone to milk the bull. I'm sure you are getting very good value for money. Keep on paying them!

Have you seen the price of quality spunk from a prized bull. Cows love a jizz on their faces

Edit for sensitive snowflakes :laugh:



Legendary Member
Have you seen the price of quality spunk from a prized bull. Cows love a jizz on their faces

Edit for sensitive snowflakes :laugh:

View attachment 5549

Live footage from Andy's farm where they disapprove of fetishism.
What there is, is clear evidence that the claims made by GC groups and you about large numbers of violent men having access to women in women's gaols is completely false and alarmist propaganda.
The issue brought up this time isn't where they are held. We know English and Welsh jails have acted to prevent transwomen offenders being placed in the female estate.

The issue is that a large proportion of trans prisoners are in jail for crimes of a violent and sexual nature. You try to avoid this uncomfortable fact by pretending only a GRC means trans. I'd rather see further data to make a proper analysis of what the headline stats mean.


Legendary Member
The issue brought up this time isn't where they are held. We know English and Welsh jails have acted to prevent transwomen offenders being placed in the female estate.

The issue is that a large proportion of trans prisoners are in jail for crimes of a violent and sexual nature. You try to avoid this uncomfortable fact by pretending only a GRC means trans. I'd rather see further data to make a proper analysis of what the headline stats mean.

Trans women (meaning in MoJ terms, those who have presented their GRC or amended birth certificate) are not blanket banned from the female prison estate. Blanket bans are always unlawful in this country as determined by the High Court.

There were eleven trans prisoners. We don't know how many of the eleven were trans women or were trans men. We do not know the nature of their crimes. We do not know where they were placed. This is withheld data. To say otherwise is a lie. You are still telling lies.
And yet the MOJ say 'There were 233 (or whatever the number was) transgender prisoners and 11 transgender prisoners with a GRC...' . You are simply demanding that we use your definition of transgender, ie has a GRC, rather than the MOJ one, in order to avoid dealing with the implications of the stats. Perhaps you should take it up with the MOJ and ask them to stop recording people without a GRC as transgender.


Legendary Member
And yet the MOJ say 'There were 233 (or whatever the number was) transgender prisoners and 11 transgender prisoners with a GRC...' . You are simply demanding that we use your definition of transgender, ie has a GRC, rather than the MOJ one, in order to avoid dealing with the implications of the stats. Perhaps you should take it up with the MOJ and ask them to stop recording people without a GRC as transgender.

230 transgender prisoners of which 187 were legally male, and 43 were legally female. Plus 11 trans prisoners.

I am doing no demanding. I have been patiently explaining to you the obvious. These are the terms under which the MoJ sorts prisoners into cohorts.

Transgender prisoners (MoJ term) do not have the protection of the GRA. Some of these might/will have the protection of the EqA if they can demonstrate that meet the criteria. As a resort, as shown in the report, of the 187 who declared themselves legally male, 181 were placed in the men's prison estate, the other six met the criteria and were placed in the women's prison estate after the mechanisms of complex case reviews and risk assessment.

Trans prisoners (MoJ term) have the protection of the GRA. They will need to satisfy the prison service by producing their amended birth certificate, or their GRC, or after the prison service have confirmed that identity with reference to the Gender Recognition Panel. They are still subject to risk assessment. Those with convictions for sexual offences and violence are still subject to risk assessment - under current regulations they are placed in accordance with their birth sex.

The breakdown of arrests for violence are broken down as 45% men, 55% women. The point of including this data is to show you that the violent people in women's prisons are ... wait for it ... drum roll ... violent cisgender women. The UK's most violent prison is in Leicestershire - it is a women's prison.
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230 transgender prisoners of which 187 were legally male, and 43 were legally female. Plus 11 trans prisoners. WHO HAD A GRC (my addition)

You are literally quoting it yourself that they do in fact call the 230 without GRCs transgender. As I say, take it up with the Ministry of Justice. I'm sure they'll take on board your preferred definition. Stonewall and every transactivist in the UK will probably be a bit miffed that Trans = GRC now but I'm sure you'll win them over with your logic and explain why the much demanded self ID has gone out the window.

Of course, a handy side effect of your new found 'Trans = GRC' stance is that it allows you to say that Scarlet Blake isn't a transwoman even though they transitioned at 12, went through the Tavistock, and got hormones at 17.
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Let's have some more gender nonsense news.

The Dutch parliament has passed a motion calling on the government to investigate the efficacy of the Dutch protocol model of care, after other countries decided to take a more cautious approach.

Looks like even the Dutch, who kicked off the whole puberty blocker thing, are having a rethink.

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