The MOJ report counts people as trans if they say they are trans, Classic, regardless of their legal/birth sex. I thought this was what you two agreed with? It's the much demanded self ID.
Nobody has ever claimed that all the 230 trans prisoners were housed in the women's estate. Again, you're making out something that wasn't claimed in the first place.
The fact they were in the female estate doesn't mean that at all. You are protected by the EA at any point in your transition. Their being in the female estate doesn't mean those who weren't were not being acknowledged as having the gender identity of 'woman' at all. Nowhere does it say that.187 transgender prisoners identified their gender as legally male. Of these 181 were housed in the male prison estate. The other six in the female prison estate. In other words these six were legally male but had the gender identity of 'woman' and were protected by the EqA.
That doesn't mean the ones that were refused a place in the women's estate weren't acknowledged as being trans.They were risk assessed as being safe to be with women.
Correct. But not only those with a GRC are trans and we do have data about the non GRC transgender prisoners. AND IT'S NOT VERY NICE.There were 11 prisoners with a GRC. We have no other data here to analyse.
None of this means that it was the case that 70% of 230 prisoners were sex offenders housed in the women's prison estate. The data makes it clear this was never the case, and to say otherwise is a lie.
Nobody has ever claimed that all the 230 trans prisoners were housed in the women's estate. Again, you're making out something that wasn't claimed in the first place.