Gender again. Sorry!

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Legendary Member
Everyone who's not fully on board with @monkers, they're all the same?
Sounds like one of @CXRAndy's arguements - I don't vote for politicians, they're all the same.

It's always the same with you. LEARN TO READ.

Here is what I actually said ...

make a point in reply to an anti-trans activist with their specific ideology

Two qualifiers in there as to who I'm talking about. So not everybody who disagrees with me. It was followed up with a longer description of the kind of people I'm talking about - those thickos who don't think, are easily captured, and who also love a wacko conspiracy theory.


Über Member
Two qualifiers in there as to who I'm talking about. So not everybody who disagrees with me. It was followed up with a longer description of the kind of people I'm talking about - those thickos who don't think, are easily captured, and who also love a wacko conspiracy theory.
Your post was in reply to @icowden who was commenting on a post by @classic33 who was making one of his irritating interjections in reply to @AuroraSaab.
So no, it's not obvious who you were referring to.
It was probably clear in your head.
Anyhow, onward and upward.
Ah but make a point in reply to an anti-trans activist with their specific ideology, and in reply all you get is ''but look at Karen White'', but look at Isla Bryson, ''but look at poor poor Keira Bell'', ''but look at Fallon Fox''.

When the truth is put in front of them in each of these cases, the truth is rejected in favour of the propaganda in turn.

This is why the likes of CXRAndy repeat propaganda ad nauseum, because they wish to capture people to their side because they are consumed with hate. The more successful they are, the more they celebrate their success. And yes they are successful, and that is why more people need to start using critical thinking skills. The country operates on the basis of making sure that people don't have enough time on their hands to know what is really going on.

Very few people know how London works as a financial centre, or how the media operates. If they did, there would be a rebellion. It's important to keep people's lives filled with other things to distract them from the truth. The most 'developed nations' are the ones with the biggest wealth gaps. This is how the UK maintains itself as a serf country.

We used to have sock puppet governments in thrall to billionaires, but we are returning with Sunak to pre Bill of Rights days, with the wealthy having absolute control, and the people having few rights. We have an unelected billionaire son of immigrants hell-bent with a Rwanda plan not supported by public opinion, who spends his time in parliament taunting Starmer with 'he doesn't even know what a woman is' in answer to questions at PMQT.

The anti-immigrant narrative, and the anti-trans narratives are just the means of control. Only fools believe it is anything but. Meanwhile the very healthy are delighted that that is all that appears in the Daily Express or on GB news every day. They are taking the country for fools - and collectively what fools we have proved to be.

This is just your usual attempt to align people who think biology is real, that men shouldn't be in women's sports and prisons, and that there's no evidence of benefit in giving kids puberty blockers, with everything from immigration to Tory economics.

It's your only option now because when people actually apply critical thinking to all the gender stuff it simply falls apart.

Two men on the Women's podium in an elite class cycle race '. .they would have placed last and second to last in the Men's category'.


Nothing to do with Tory economics or a culture war. Just old fashioned misogyny and unfairness for women.


If Starmer cannot say without hesitation that women deserve without question single sex wards in hospitals, he will likely be crucified at the polls
Not really. The vast majority of people have farm more important stuff to worry about - like interest rates, the economy, trade barriers, immigration, the health service in general and the justice system.

Additionally where a gendered ward is important, it's unlikely that a transsexual is going to end up in that ward. For example maternity wards are single sex and the pre-requisite is giving birth.
For some people being on a ward without members of the opposite sex is important, regardless of why any of you are there.

On a national level people rarely vote on one issue, so the main factor for most voters is going to be whether they want another 5 years of the Tories or not. And as Labour are the only viable alternative I don't think either Labour or Conservatives should take a general election win as approval (or disapproval) of their policies on women's rights.


Legendary Member
This is just your usual attempt to align people who think biology is real

It's my usual demonstration that much of what you say relies on misinformation and mischaracterisation.

Nobody thinks that Karen White was placed in the correct prison, least of all trans women. Group 4 failed to risk assess White and later apologised for their failure.

Bryson was never committed to the female prison estate.

The Fallon Fox story was founded on lies. The meme with Fox alongside a battered contestant was fake. Fox never fought that woman, she was battered by a bio woman.

I've never said that trans women should compete against elite women in elite level sport, but your usual nonsense of trying to deny trans women access to playing chess, running in park run, and accusing them of cheating in Strava segments is just blatant stupidity.


If Starmer cannot say without hesitation that women deserve without question single sex wards in hospitals, he will likely be crucified at the polls


Here's your problem, Andy:

This issue does not matter to the electorate as a whole. The issues that matter to the electorate are, primarily, health care access and cost of living. These two things have been utterly destroyed over 14 years of Tory misrule. The Tories know this. They know they are going to lose heavily because of it, so Badenoch using a populist un-serious news programme to try and score points is about trying to take at least some votes from Labour.

She'll convince a few easily distracted fools, but she won't distract people away from what their lives are actually like.

There is a chance you have come to realise it, it's been spelled out to you often enough after all and surely nobody is quite that thick?

So all that is left to you is flood the forum with this sort of stuff and step back. You never actually engage in any debate whatsoever and you and I both know it's because you aren't knowledgeable or clever enough.

Bless her, Aurora has, at least a handle on the anti-trans bigot arguments and has the sort of cunning to manoeuvre them around, albeit by the almost permanent dishonest and disingenuous tactics she employs that have seen SEVEN members leave the thread or forum directly citing her mendacity.

You don't even have to mental acuity to do that.

You seem to think you are winning some sort of battle, but all you are doing is showing yourself up to the readership. Not even AS will accept your allyship because she realises what a côck you are.


Regular AND Goofy
I'm very disturbed that the single-sex ward stipulation is being made a big issue. I had to go on the women's general surgery ward with a complicated fracture, because there was only space in the men's specialist orthopaedic ward. Missed out on contact with the consultants and fellow injured and a couple of ideas I could have tried sooner for a better outcome.
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Regular AND Goofy
I have no need to explain. I have not accused you of expressing bigotry. Warning of creeping fascism is not discussion at the level of the toilet.

Oh heck. I don't like to squabble but you did make a blanket dismissal of the gender critical...
Collectively, people with critical thinking skills are wasting their lives by continuing 'discussion' with gender critical people.
Truth, logic and reason are just barriers to what they want. Truth, logic and reason must be abandoned on the altar of their justification for bigotry...

but what I had said was...
While I am not keen to bring this debate to the level of the toilet either, and I am aware that some gender critical people do - shame! - body image is a bit of a social construct isn't it? I'd be damned if I let this society get its handle on mine.
Bless her, Aurora has, at least a handle on the anti-trans bigot arguments and has the sort of cunning to manoeuvre them around, albeit by the almost permanent dishonest and disingenuous tactics she employs that have seen SEVEN members leave the thread or forum directly citing her mendacity.

Given up on any arguments whatsoever now, I see. Is it only seven? I'm sure you could find a few more members that have quit because of me if you put your mind to it. You can even put it in capitals if you like.

You said on here that puberty blockers were reversible and bought the patient some time but you have nothing to say about the Cass report? I've realised that you actually know very little about this topic - you thought the Tavistock was closing because it was successful and they were opening others just the same, and you thought notorious Dr's Mike and Helen Webberley were one transwoman.

The thread just provides you with an opportunity to be abusive about women and hide behind the pretence of being progressive.


Regular AND Goofy
And since the toilet issue has been raised I don't think there is an issue with trans people using any specific toilets. Anyway I think there is a simple way to make things easier for everyone - providing more private cubicles in more gender neutral toilets.

There are far more important issues to do with perception of different expected behavior and appearance for women and men. I wish to work for a world where there are no gender-specific expectations of what people should like or should be like.
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