Gender again. Sorry!

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It's both pleasing and encouraging that he's not chucking a match at that legacy and walking down the path of misery that others have.
Although it would be slightly awkward if he did given that one of his sons is apparently non-binary / possibly going down the trans route. Most dads support their kids.


Elder Goth
Although it would be slightly awkward if he did given that one of his sons is apparently non-binary / possibly going down the trans route. Most dads support their kids.

From what I've read about Tennant he doesn't seem like the kind of person who needs a motivation as powerful as that.

Either way, good for him.

Deleted member 159

This is what women and girls don't want to experience when going to the loo



Elder Goth
Randomly, a bit of an earworm from my schooldays popped into my head earlier.

Our PSE videos had a little song which went:

"My body's no bodies body but mine,
You run your own body,
Let me run mine"

Which seems as fitting now as it did then.
Which is fine if we all lived on individual islands, but we don't so there are times when personal autonomy affects others and sometimes that has to be taken into account.

Deleted member 159

"My body's no bodies body but mine,
You run your own body,
Let me run mine"

Which seems as fitting now as it did then

Trans ideology

"My body's no bodies body but mine,

You run your own body,

Let me ruin mine"



Which is fine if we all lived on individual islands, but we don't so there are times when personal autonomy affects others and sometimes that has to be taken into account.

Which is why a cohesive community places a duty on all of us to accept others. Oh and it's international law.

Article 29​

  1. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
  2. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
  3. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

The examples that you have been presenting have shown, that in a relatively small numbers, some men have misbehaved towards women in public toilets.

In a planet of several billion, you've managed to uncover exceedingly rare cases of trans women misbehaving towards women in public toilets.

Due to your circular arguments, you will no doubt return with your usual gaslighting that trans women offend at least as much as cis men.
Despite hundreds of posts you've yet to coherently explain why we should treat some men differently to other men, other than they say so.


Despite hundreds of posts you've yet to coherently explain why we should treat some men differently to other men, other than they say so.

It's really simple. Trans women with a GRC are women. You are not a woman since you deny your gender identity. That's what you are so upset about and resent trans women for. It's fine not to have a sense of one's own gender identity, but it's really shoot to resent others for having one.
I have no gender identity. It's a metaphysical belief to which I don't subscribe. You might as well say I'm upset that I don't have a soul but resent you having one. Have as many genders as you like. You're still the sex you were born.

A GRC doesn't change your sex. In UK law it allows you to be treated as the opposite sex in some but not all circumstances. That's all.


I have no gender identity. It's a metaphysical belief to which I don't subscribe. You might as well say I'm upset that I don't have a soul but resent you having one. Have as many genders as you like. You're still the sex you were born.

A GRC doesn't change your sex. In UK law it allows you to be treated as the opposite sex in some but not all circumstances. That's all.

Sex does not have a single meaning. If you try to reduce to such you will fail. The purpose of biological sex is to enable reproduction. We have more than enough humans on earth; a few more infertile people won't endanger our species.


I have no gender identity. It's a metaphysical belief to which I don't subscribe. You might as well say I'm upset that I don't have a soul but resent you having one. Have as many genders as you like. You're still the sex you were born.

I bet you've, at some point, worn a skirt, and I don't think it was your ovaries, tit's and fanny that compelled you to do it.

It was your mind. It's not a physical event, it is a mental one based on identity.
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