She does explain in the article. I think it breaks down as:-
So basically you have to be "all in" to earn the right to be called a woman. Just putting a dress on and calling yourself Shirley doesn't count. She doesn't countenance the belief system where if you think you are a woman, then you are a woman regardless of the fact that you have a fully male body with penis and testicles, and I think that is the sticking point for many people, especially where it seems to be being used to erase women's rights and equalities.
- Men = women
- Women = women
- Men who are wearing dresses and asking to be called womens names = men
- Men who are the above but taking hormones = men
- Men who are the above but have had full reassignment surgery and obtained a GRC = women
A trans woman with a GRC is legally a woman regardless of surgeries, or hormone treatments. When a Minister of the crown attempts to set rules without recognising the law, we know we are looking at authoritarianism.
N tells me by text that she may pop in here later to put straight the situation regarding statutory and non-statutory guidelines. I'm looking forward to seeing her this evening so I don't want her to be in here for too long.