Gender again. Sorry!

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Schools did allow children to change their identity and keep it secret from the parents
Yes, and they will still do this if they deem it to be unsafe to do otherwise. This hasn't changed.

It's seems just to clarify what really didn't need to have.
It does sod all really.

However woke culture has overrun many teachers and schools and this obvious guidance has been published.
It really hasn't. Most of them have been ignoring the crap from Stonewall and focusing on SATS, GCSEs and A-Levels. The focus should be on doing the best for the child to enable them to achieve good results and integrate with friends / stop bullying. If that means letting Zach wear a dress and call himself Zizi, there will be a whole raft of considerations, discussions, referrals etc. It's not a snap decision.


Epic Member
However woke culture has overrun many teachers and schools and this obvious guidance has been published.

Your problem is that you are so credulous as to believe what you read in your tabloid shîtrags.


Elder Goth
Do you actually think about the links you post (not just in this thread) or are you just cool with them reinforcing your prejudices?


Is Gillian Keegan certain about what she is talking about? She says that schools can still teach about trans women and the surgeries they may undergo, but they mustn't teach 'gender ideology', and she still believes that trans women are women. Make sense of that if you will.
She does explain in the article. I think it breaks down as:-
  • Men = women
  • Women = women
  • Men who are wearing dresses and asking to be called womens names = men
  • Men who are the above but taking hormones = men
  • Men who are the above but have had full reassignment surgery and obtained a GRC = women
So basically you have to be "all in" to earn the right to be called a woman. Just putting a dress on and calling yourself Shirley doesn't count. She doesn't countenance the belief system where if you think you are a woman, then you are a woman regardless of the fact that you have a fully male body with penis and testicles, and I think that is the sticking point for many people, especially where it seems to be being used to erase women's rights and equalities.


She does explain in the article. I think it breaks down as:-
  • Men = women Men
  • Women = Women
  • Men who are wearing dresses and asking to be called womens names = men
  • Men who are the above but taking hormones = men
  • Men who are the above but have had full reassignment surgery and obtained a GRC = women
So basically you have to be "all in" to earn the right to be called a woman. Just putting a dress on and calling yourself Shirley doesn't count. She doesn't countenance the belief system where if you think you are a woman, then you are a woman regardless of the fact that you have a fully male body with penis and testicles, and I think that is the sticking point for many people, especially where it seems to be being used to erase women's rights and equalities.

Sorry typo in the above makes it nonsensical... (fixed above as no edit button remains on the original)
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