Gender again. Sorry!

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As far as I can see, that tweet about Drag Queen Story Time is factually incorrect. I mean, I'm not an expert but a quick look at google images suggests that the Drag Queens are not dressing for a performance at an adult club but are fairly modestly attired and it's more akin to Pantomime Dame story hour. Certainly in the UK, kids wouldn't be able to differentiate between drag queen and pantomime dame.

It's this:-

If anything my criticism would be that a lot of them haven't tried very hard with the outfits and makeup. I doubt that they are using that much lewd double entendre with young kids, and I imagine the stories go down very well as they are usually good at being over the top and expressive, thus bringing the stories to life.

Seems irrelevant to the trans topic however.
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Elder Goth
As far as I can see, that tweet about Drag Queen Story Time is factually incorrect. I mean, I'm not an expert but a quick look at google images suggests that the Drag Queens are not dressing for a performance at an adult club but are fairly modestly attired and it's more akin to Pantomime Dame story hour. Certainly in the UK, kids wouldn't be able to differentiate between drag queen and pantomime dame.

It's this:-
View attachment 5908

If anything my criticism would be that a lot of them haven't tried very hard with the outfits and makeup. I doubt that they are using that much lewd double entendre with young kids, and I imagine the stories go down very well as they are usually good at being over the top and expressive, thus bringing the stories to life.

Seems irrelevant to the trans topic however.

I've actually seen a couple of the Drag Queen Story Time performances. As you rightly say, a lot of fun and in no way lewd like you'd get on a rowdy night in your cities Pink Triangle.

I also know a couple of kings and queens who do a lot of work with kids theatre community groups.

Jasmine has been blinded by hate.

Deleted member 159

It was the trans cult that adopted intersex as evidence of more than just male and female.

Poor souls will now have psychiatric treatment to realign their sex to male or female in Peru


It was the trans cult that adopted intersex as evidence of more than just male and female.

Poor souls will now have psychiatric treatment to realign their sex to male or female in Peru.

''Poor souls'' - you was punching the air in delight a moment ago. Are all people with variations in the anatomy / physiology 'mentally ill' or just the ones that morons agree upon?

And wasn't it you earlier today ago trying to derail the thread by using intersex people in a negative way to further your cause of bigoty against trans people? Just to help you - it was.
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Schools to be banned from teaching gender cult ideology
They have also been banned from teaching bomb making, how to make torture videos and lessons on carrying out successful assassinations, home surgery and many other topics.

Or is it that they never taught them in the first place?

The guidance is fascinating:-
  • Schools have no “general duty” to allow a child to change their gender identity, according to the guidance. In a statement accompanying the guidance, the DfE said that it has clarified that schools and colleges “do not have to, and should not, accept all requests for social transition”.
So no real change there then. It also continues into involving parents unless it would threaten the child's safety so also no change.

  • Single sex spaces
Schools should continue as they are currently doing.

  • Pronouns - The guidance says that schools should not agree to a child’s request to use a different pronoun in primary school. And secondary schools “do not need to specify pronouns to be used about each pupil and can decline a request to change a child’s pronouns”.
So no change. At primary level the request would have to be validated by parents at which point the school can agree and for secondary it's up to the school.

The biggest consternation seems to be that Keegan is putting arbitrary limits by age on when things can be taught which means that far from protecting children it may do the reverse. For example if a tiktok trend sees 12 year olds strangling themselves for sexual pleasure that can't be addressed until the kids are 13.

  • School sports - The guidance recommends that schools should adopt “clear rules which mandate separate-sex participation” for all sports where “physical differences between the sexes threaten the safety of children”.
Seems reasonable enough.
  • Single-sex schools - The guidance says that single-sex schools can refuse to admit pupils of the other biological sex, regardless of whether the child is questioning their gender. A school cannot, however, refuse to admit a child of the same biological sex on the basis that they are questioning their gender.
Again, no change there.


It was the trans cult that adopted intersex as evidence of more than just male and female.
Poor souls will now have psychiatric treatment to realign their sex to male or female in Peru
How will that help? They don't have a psychiatric condition. They have a genetic condition. You can't realign something that can't really be realigned.

Deleted member 159

Having parents see the material being presented to their children is big news.

Until this, schools were hiding behind confidentiality/copyright clauses from third party 'education material' companies

There have several parents trying to get access to sex education/gender ideology lesson packs and were denied

Accessibility for parents will keep an eye on schools ignoring the new guidance.

Deleted member 159

Schools did allow children to change their identity and keep it secret from the parents

It's seems just to clarify what really didn't need to have.

However woke culture has overrun many teachers and schools and this obvious guidance has been published.


Schools did allow children to change their identity and keep it secret from the parents

It's seems just to clarify what really didn't need to have.

However woke culture has overrun many teachers and schools and this obvious guidance has been published.

You have not even the first idea of what you are talking about. You are so gullible that any tiny nugget on the internet that supports your bigotry is simply accepted without discernment.

Schools and teachers are not 'woke', they have been following statutory law pertaining to safeguarding and the previous guidance. Now the government wishes them to follow new guidance. Guidance is not statutory.

As a former teacher I can say that I would be very reluctant to tell a parent with your mindset that a child revealed that they were questioning their sexuality or gender identity - I would fear for them.
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