Gender again. Sorry!

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You're saying that clinics were prescribed a certain number of kids?
Typing error. Should have said referred.
Nice to see that the dignity that you often tout as being behind on here is reflected in your posts, where to you there's only one side involved. Your reduction of human life to a meaningless wording is a better indicator of your true intentions/thoughts on the subject.

I find most of your posts hard to follow. This is no different. By all means jump on the ghoulish bandwagon that distressed kids will die without puberty blockers though.
Typing error. Should have said referred.

I find most of your posts hard to follow. This is no different. By all means jump on the ghoulish bandwagon that distressed kids will die without puberty blockers though.
One hell of a typing error.

Your reduction of human life to suit your requirements is what was mentioned, not that piece in bold.

Now, either put up where I said that piece, or anything close to, in bold or shut up.
I didn't say that I sourced the coroners' reports from the Good Law Project. I didn't claim that I have read all 16. I know about 16 cases via a parents' support group of which I remain a member. I posted a sample from a folder therein.

Neither have I said that in every case the lack of puberty blockers is the definite cause.

What I have done is highlighted the turning point in the number of suicides in trans youth. That turning point coincides with time that restrictions were placed by the NHS on the use of puberty blockers. One known cases in 7 years became16 known cases in the next three years.

There remained certain routes for some young people to obtain puberty blockers. Victoria Atkins has now in the opinions of lawyers acted unlawfully in blocking access to puberty blockers, and this after being sent notices of concern from coroners.

You have been asserting (without any medical knowledge) that puberty blockers should be stopped, declaring them unsafe. Even Cass did not say this.

I on the other hand have seen no signs of them causing great harm. However through the support group I have heard from mothers who say that for their children they became a lifeline. The opinion in the parents' support group has been unanimous, that without puberty blockers there would be cases of youth suicide.

How disgusting it is of you, to claim that I am simply weaponising the argument to show coroners reports. This has become some typical of the dirty tricks tactics that you always will resort to.

Had the boot been on the other foot, that is to say, sixteen young people had died from taking puberty blockers, you'd have been all over this like a rash.

It just shows, what you desire is trans erasure.

Tldr: unevidenced Monica hearsay trumps a 4 year report and expert assessment of the research.

We don't give children drugs on the basis of 'It might help, not sure... don't know what the harm is, but I'm sure it will be fine'.

If you repeatedly tell children puberty blockers are the only thing that will relieve their distress and they will likely kill themselves if they don't get puberty blockers, guess what happens?

"Prof Appleby, a psychiatrist who leads the National Suicide Prevention Strategy for England, said: “Children with gender distress may face bullying, isolation and family conflict, [which are] reasons to be alert to suicide risk.

“Empathetic support is vital but evidence that puberty blockers reduce risk is weak and unreliable.

“Invoking suicide in this debate is mistaken and potentially harmful.”

Obviously we can ignore what a professor of psychiatry and leader of the national suicide prevention strategy says. What does he know?


Legendary Member
By all means jump on the ghoulish bandwagon that distressed kids will die without puberty blockers though.

I'll try reaction testing that the parents' forum. I'll let you know if it gets any reaction.
Tldr: unevidenced Monica hearsay trumps a 4 year report and expert assessment of the research.

We don't give children drugs on the basis of 'It might help, not sure... don't know what the harm is, but I'm sure it will be fine'.

If you repeatedly tell children puberty blockers are the only thing that will relieve their distress and they will likely kill themselves if they don't get puberty blockers, guess what happens?
View attachment 6098
"Prof Appleby, a psychiatrist who leads the National Suicide Prevention Strategy for England, said: “Children with gender distress may face bullying, isolation and family conflict, [which are] reasons to be alert to suicide risk.

“Empathetic support is vital but evidence that puberty blockers reduce risk is weak and unreliable.

“Invoking suicide in this debate is mistaken and potentially harmful.”

Obviously we can ignore what a professor of psychiatry and leader of the national suicide prevention strategy says. What does he know?
They do you know, and not just the ones you're against.
One hell of a typing error.

Your reduction of human life to suit your requirements is what was mentioned, not that piece in bold.

Now, either put up where I said that piece, or anything close to, in bold or shut up.

It was a rhetorical invitation not a description. Why am I not surprised your main complaint about a discussion on the dangers of invoking suicidal ideation is about a typing error.


Legendary Member
Why am I not surprised your main complaint about a discussion on the dangers of invoking suicidal ideation is about a typing error.

Why am I not surprised that your complaint is that I've brought this to attention.


Legendary Member
Oh I have a hit back from the parent's forum already.

One angry mother says ..

Introduce me to the daffodil that said this and I'll wring their farking neck.

Brace yourself, more to come I think.


Legendary Member
We don't give children drugs on the basis of 'It might help, not sure... don't know what the harm is, but I'm sure it will be fine'.

That may be your level of understanding. I'm pretty show that endocrinologists have a rather better understanding.


Legendary Member
Oh, another reply in ...

I hope she gets cancer and they refuse her application on the trial for groundbreaking new treatment.

Looks like you're going to be a hit with the Mums and Dads Aurora.
Why am I not surprised that your complaint is that I've brought this to attention.

I wasn't replying to you. I look forward to these 16 coroner's report being part of the Good Law Project's evidence though. Until then I won't be taking your word for it that not getting puberty blockers directly led to 16 deaths.

The mums and dads have been as influenced by social media as their children and led to believe drugs are the only option. Alice Litman's mother was psychiatrist herself, her child was on actually on hormones, yet you post that case as evidence that without drugs young people will kill themselves.

I could post you plenty of posts from regretful parents and patients who wish they hadn't gone down the medicalised route. I'd rather stick to scientific evidence than unverified anecdotes though - and for the benefit of puberty blockers there is scant and poor quality evidence.
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It was a rhetorical invitation not a description. Why am I not surprised your main complaint about a discussion on the dangers of invoking suicidal ideation is about a typing error.
Where is that the main complaint?

The reduction of human lives to a system that suits yourself being the main part of the quoted post.
However, as usual, you've no answer so ignore it.


Legendary Member
I wasn't replying to you. I look forward to these 16 coroner's report being part of the Good Law Project's evidence though. Until then I won't be taking your word for it that not getting puberty blockers directly led to 16 deaths.

I'm sure you will, and the rest of your ghoulish bandwagon too.
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