Gender again. Sorry!

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Elder Goth
off course you did fake person

For whatever reason I read your bollocks again. You're doing well on this forum at accusing people of all kinds of things without ever being able to back it up.


Legendary Member
Go fake yourself.. oh an btw how are you gonna name your next fake ''poster under your name? or you gonna go down the Alphabet from N. or do you pick an random number?

Given this stalking behaviour, it seems that it is not trans women that women need to be concerned about but a Dutch man living in the UK.

Your stalking behaviour is concerning.


Elder Goth
Watch out or he'll put a HEX on you

Have you written this to try and sound intelligent or something?


Legendary Member
For balance.

One can wonder why it is important to hear the opinion of Rowling as just one person. As an aunt to a fabulous trans woman I'm in tune with David Tennant.



Elder Goth
For balance.

One can wonder why it is important to hear the opinion of Rowling as just one person. As an aunt to a fabulous trans woman I'm in tune with David Tennant.

View attachment 6206

I think the Rowling thing is that whether she wanted to or not she's ended up as a sort of figurehead of the anti-trans/women's lobby.

As she said, this has all stemmed from erroneously liking a Tweet and could easily have died a death if she hadn't kept on with it. Fair enough she's standing up for what she believes in and she's doing it a rational and considered manner but I do wonder if she wishes she didn't have to bother.
I do wonder if she wishes she didn't have to bother.

I'm sure she wishes she didn't have to bother at all.

A new study of medical insurance billing from Germany shows most young people diagnosed with gender identity disorder did not persist after 5 years.

The desistance rate was 72% in 15- to 19-year-old females and 50% in 20- to 24-year-old males. Among the whole group of 5- to 24-year-olds, only about 36% of those diagnosed in 2017 still had the diagnosis five years later, indicating that more than 63% desisted.

"In the longitudinal cohort (n = 7 885, 47.1% 20- to 24-year-olds, 37.7% male), only 36.4% had a confirmed F64 (gender identity disorder) diagnosis after five years, with diagnosis persistence < 50% in all age groups (27.3% [15- to 19-year-old women] to 49.7% [20- to 24-year-old men])."

This shows the recklessness in taking a medical protocol, ie meds and surgery, that was set up to serve a cohort of patients that mainly consisted of middle aged men with a stable and long standing diagnosis, and applying that same treatment to children.


Elder Goth
I'm sure she wishes she didn't have to bother at all.

A new study of medical insurance billing from Germany shows most young people diagnosed with gender identity disorder did not persist after 5 years.

The desistance rate was 72% in 15- to 19-year-old females and 50% in 20- to 24-year-old males. Among the whole group of 5- to 24-year-olds, only about 36% of those diagnosed in 2017 still had the diagnosis five years later, indicating that more than 63% desisted.

"In the longitudinal cohort (n = 7 885, 47.1% 20- to 24-year-olds, 37.7% male), only 36.4% had a confirmed F64 (gender identity disorder) diagnosis after five years, with diagnosis persistence < 50% in all age groups (27.3% [15- to 19-year-old women] to 49.7% [20- to 24-year-old men])."

This shows the recklessness in taking a medical protocol, ie meds and surgery, that was set up to serve a cohort of patients that mainly consisted of middle aged men with a stable and long standing diagnosis, and applying that same treatment to children.

I suppose not.

And this is a genuine question: Are you happy with her as the de facto voice (in the main stream media at least) for women's issues?
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