Gender again. Sorry!

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Is homosexuality biological? If so, how?

If not then surely according to you it's also a condition and they should seek help.

Sexual attraction has both physical and chemical elements.

It doesn't pretend that males can physically become female and have all the same feelings.

Same with non binary, everyone dreams and has wants and wishes, but when it engulfs a person life, they're in to psychological problem territory.


Elder Goth
Sexual attraction has both physical and chemical elements.

It doesn't pretend that males can physically become female and have all the same feelings.

Same with non binary, everyone dreams and has wants and wishes, but when it engulfs a person life, they're in to psychological problem territory.

I actually laughed at that last bit.

@multitool put it very, very simply for you. And you still don't get it.


Elder Goth
Rowling gets roasted alive...

Hardly. The 'trans book burning' was the sacking and looting of the Institute of Sexology in Berlin. It was started and run by a gay Jew, Magnus Hirschfeld, which might account for it's targeting. The same night as Hirschfeld's 20k book library and other 'left wing' books were burnt in Berlin there were several other book burnings across Germany.

More to the point, in what way does Rowling 'uphold Nazi ideology around gender' as your 'roasting' claims?

Any examples? Her words obviously, not another claim from somebody off Twitter.

Oh and it's interesting that an account that seems dedicated to slagging off Rowling doesn't have the balls to make the allegations themself but outsourced it to someone they think can't be sued for libel.
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Comparing USATF results to school sports days is about as relevant as those silly little dot things you were posting the other day.
Why wouldn't similar differences in times be evident in school sports day?

Boys start to outperform girls fairly early on. What would be interesting to know would be how much of the difference is male physical advantage and how much is social, ie girls discouraged/turned off by sports from an early age, especially team games.


Elder Goth
Why wouldn't similar differences in times be evident in school sports day?

Boys start to outperform girls fairly early on. What would be interesting to know would be how much of the difference is male physical advantage and how much is social, ie girls discouraged/turned off by sports from an early age, especially team games.

It's a f*cking sports day. It's just kids having fun.

Let kids be kids, no?


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