Gender again. Sorry!

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Deleted member 159

How do you tell a normal female nurse from a killer female nurse?

Apparently you can't because Lucy Letby was able to kill many children

Women should be banned from children's wards.

To be on the safe side, all women.

Don't deflect, stay on point.

Do you agree or not, that all males whether TiM or general male should not be allowed into female private spaces?


No but we take steps to mitigate and reduce risk

You posted this in response to my remark about Lucy Letby.

Those steps didn't work.

We should ban women from children's wards.

One is too many, or maybe it's just that you don't care about dead babies.

Deleted member 159

It is the point.

Do you agree that women should be allowed in children's wards, because it's clear we can't tell which women are killers and which aren't.

That is true, however, women offending is far less than males.

So back to point, do you agree or not, that all males need to be excluded from female private spaces?
And perhaps focus on violent men, rather than scapegoating a minority.
Single sex spaces are there for a reason. One of which is that we don't know which men are lovely and which aren't. There are no special subsets of men.

Riley Gaines again. Once swam in an amateur race against a TW. Mentioned a million times by you.
Every woman that Lia Thomas swam against was disadvantaged. As were the women whose places he took on the Women's team and the women whose records he broke.

Surely if it's such an enormous problem you wouldn't need to rely on the same tired names?
It's the same names because only some women are brave enough to make a stand. Look what happens to the ones who speak out - they get verbal and physical abuse, they lose scholarships and college places, they get sanctioned by their sports organisations.

As always, you mistake women's reluctance to put themselves in the firing line for approval.

You posted this in response to my remark about Lucy Letby. Those steps didn't work. We should ban women from children's wards. One is too many, or maybe it's just that you don't care about dead babies.

If women were responsible for 98% of sex crimes and nearly all violence, and men for very little of it, then you might have a point. But they aren't are they? Being male is a statistical risk factor, being female isn't.

You know this but persist in insisting we believe there are men who are special just because they say so.


Women are responsible for the vast majority of child murders.

You'll try and make excuses for them no doubt.

How can we tell the killers from the non-killers?

We can't l. So we should exclude women from all contact with children.


Legendary Member
She has done many a time, show that TiMs have the same male offending patterns/rates as the general male criminal.

Confirming, despite what you try and have us believe, that TiMs are actually just males disguising themselves to try and look like females.

So trans-women are not actually women after all. They were never women, just a charade to have us accept them into female spaces.

Too late, cat is well and truly out of the bag

Twat, Mctwat face shows his bigotry again.


Legendary Member
It shows that transwomen are just like other men.
It shows that there is no reason whatsoever to treat them differently from other men.

You never stop. You seek privileges for a special group of men. You seek a free pass for those men on the basis of what? That they say they aren't men?

They are men. In 900 pages there's been nothing that shows any different. There's been nothing that shows why these special men should be treated differently to other men, other than 'because I say so'.

It's not bigotry to say that all men should be treated the same. It's misogyny to say women should treat some men as special, especially when it's to their own detriment.

You are just lying through your teeth as usual. All you have is lies.

Deleted member 159

Twat, Mctwat face shows his bigotry again.

Answer the question then :okay:

Do you agree or not, that all males need to be excluded from female private spaces?

Deleted member 159

You are just lying through your teeth as usual. All you have is lies.

No these are facts, no point getting angry,

Answer the question

do you agree or not, that all males need to be excluded from female private spaces?


Legendary Member
No these are facts, no point getting angry,

Answer the question

do you agree or not, that all males need to be excluded from female private spaces?

Trans women are women. All women should have access to female spaces. There is no need for women to expose their genitals in communal areas, and no actual right to do so.

Deleted member 159

Trans women are women. All women should have access to female spaces. There is no need for women to expose their genitals in communal areas, and no actual right to do so.

No they are not, they are and always will be male. Granted, there are men who want to be like female, wear same clothes, etc, but they're still males. So a correct description would be Trans identifying male TiM.

Now we've got that out of the way.

Male pattern offending especially sex offences is no different for run of the garden males or TiMs

Hence the clear argument that all males should be excluded from private female spaces.

Do you agree or not, that all males should be excluded from female private spaces?
Trans women are women. All women should have access to female spaces. There is no need for women to expose their genitals in communal areas, and no actual right to do so.
You're forgetting, CXRAndy is only too willing to police such areas using his £20,000 personal thermal imaging camera(At least that's what he claims it is) so that he can identity who he feels has the right to be there.

Deleted member 159


Do you agree or not, that all males should be excluded from female private spaces?
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