Gender again. Sorry!

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Yet again, you haven't posted anything constructive to protect women and girls.

All you've posted is hate filled bollox for almost 974 pages.

That must be a record in internetland.

Deleted member 159

All you've posted is hate filled bollox for almost 974 pages.

That must be a record in internetland.

Another one, what's your suggestion to protect women spaces/sports or is it another tiny issue, that doesn't warrant a solution?

Deleted member 159

Hilariously, neither have you.


Straightforward answer

Females, have their own private female spaces for toilets, changing rooms, hospital beds and women refuges. Anywhere women wanted single sex spaces or even Apps that dealt with female issues.

Third or unisex spaces provided for those TiMs who don't want to go into male only spaces

Females, have at their request, female only medical clinicians.

For sports, males are to be excluded from all their competitions, from grass roots to elite.

TiMs can enter the 'Open' category which includes anyone who wants to take part in sport.

Males can have the same spaces and rights above.

The issue of trans would instantly overnight not be contentious to almost every women, if those simple steps were adopted

Now if its not a big problem as you say, only tiny resources would be needed to accommodate trans folk
You can not see the obvious flaws in what you say?
What you say does not show that trans women at large are a danger.
It shows that transwomen are just like other men.
It shows that there is no reason whatsoever to treat them differently from other men.

You know full well that you are lying, but you never stop. This is because you are a bigot.

You never stop. You seek privileges for a special group of men. You seek a free pass for those men on the basis of what? That they say they aren't men?

They are men. In 900 pages there's been nothing that shows any different. There's been nothing that shows why these special men should be treated differently to other men, other than 'because I say so'.

It's not bigotry to say that all men should be treated the same. It's misogyny to say women should treat some men as special, especially when it's to their own detriment.


We treat all sorts of groups within groups as 'special' if it is deemed necessary for their protection. Women, for example, get protections from abusive men. Black people get protected from racist white people, etc. We don't condemn the entire group.
We make reasonable accommodations. We don't give them a wholesale free pass. Unisex 3rd spaces are a reasonable accommodation. Having a protected Womens category in sport and an Open category is a reasonable accommodation.

Why can't the accommodation of trans identifying men fall on to other men like yourself? Why don't you welcome you non conforming brothers into your spaces and sports? Why is it women who have to face the disadvantages of the special treatment that you demand some men must have?

If you cared about transwomen you'd be prepared to do the accommodating rather than telling women to do it.


If you cared about transwomen you'd be prepared to do the accommodating rather than telling women to do it.

That is sophistry.

Who is the "you". Me? Or all men?

If all men were prepared to accommodate TW, the likelihood is that no seperate provision for sexes would be necessary, would it.

You treat life as binary when it suits your bigotry, but we all know that laws or rights are imperfect. There will always be areas where they fail. There will always be exceptions that prove challenge the rule. The fact that so few issues with TW arise (despite your hysteria) suggests that by and large TW and women muddle along. If this wasn't the case you would have to scour the globe for a handful of examples and you wouldn't be bringing up the same people, like Barbie Kardashian, a thousand times.

Clearly, the person in the nurses changing room sounds like a perv. Some sort of action needs to be taken, but it needs to be thought through.

We didn't ban women from children's wards because Lucy Letby was a killer, did we.
Who is the "you". Me? Or all men?
All men.
If all men were prepared to accommodate TW, the likelihood is that no seperate provision for sexes would be necessary, would it.
Perhaps not, but seeing as it is why is it women's job to accommodate them in the meantime? Why don't you gents accommodate them until such a time as women are not oppressed, threatened, or subject to violence from men?

The fact that you hadn't even heard of Riley Gaines or the Webberley doctors shows you haven't a clue how many women or children are affected, so the 'it hardly ever happens' line doesn't wash.

Clearly, the person in the nurses changing room sounds like a perv. Some sort of action needs to be taken, but it needs to be thought through.
How do we tell the 'pervs' from the ones you have called 'genuine'?

We didn't ban women from children's wards because Lucy Letby was a killer, did we.

No but we take steps to mitigate and reduce risk, and provide dignity and privacy. One of those is single sex spaces and services when people want it.


Elder Goth
Every single woman you've ever met doesn't think sex is binary? Thinks transwomen are actually women? Doesn't want to preserve single sex spaces? Thinks men should compete in Women's sports and be in women's prisons? Doesn't believe people should be able to choose a same sex carer for personal care?

You can Nazi Toilet it up all you like, but those are the rights I want to see protected. I'd be amazed if every woman you'd ever met wanted all that. Still, here you are telling us different so it must be what women think.

Nazi Toilet would be a pretty good band name.

A band I saw once, Monkish, have a song called Toilet Nazi which I vaguely remember being alright.



Which makes it a ridiculous statement for the reason given in my previous post. You can just flip from reality to an imagined world and back when it suits you.

Perhaps not, but seeing as it is why is it women's job to accommodate them in the meantime? Why don't you gents accommodate them until such a time as women are not oppressed, threatened, or subject to violence from men?

See the above.

And perhaps focus on violent men, rather than scapegoating a minority.

The fact that you hadn't even heard of Riley Gaines or the Webberley doctors shows you haven't a clue how many women or children are affected, so the 'it hardly ever happens' line doesn't wash.

Riley Gaines again. Once swam in an amateur race against a TW. Mentioned a million times by you.

Surely if it's such an enormous problem you wouldn't need to rely on the same tired names?

How do we tell the 'pervs' from the ones you have called 'genuine'?

How do you manage to leave your house?

Deleted member 159

Not condemning them as a whole, explaining that like the general public of males, females cannot tell who is a predator or not.

So no males whether TiMs or run of the mill standard men, should not be allowed into private female spaces.

The laws should be bolstered to ensure there is no confusion or legal loopholes for certain men to exploit

That is all.
We treat all sorts of groups within groups as 'special' if it is deemed necessary for their protection. Women, for example, get protections from abusive men. Black people get protected from racist white people, etc. We don't condemn the entire group.


How do you tell a normal female nurse from a killer female nurse?

Apparently you can't because Lucy Letby was able to kill many children

Women should be banned from children's wards.

To be on the safe side, all women.
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