Gender again. Sorry!

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Put a link to the survey, so we can see all the questions, and the methodology. I've asked you several times. Let's see what the other questions and responses were.


Put a link to the survey, so we can see all the questions, and the methodology. I've asked you several times. Let's see what the other questions and responses were.

You are sealioning again.

I already did link to it, and your first response was to try and undermine the survey by focusing on the CEO of More in Common, Luke Tryl.

You are playing your usual game of hoping that the discussion has moved on far enough that people won't remember what it was about, allowing you to misrepresent and distort.
No, you linked to a Twitter feed from the boss of the company and one question not the whole survey. You say there's more than one question but the actual survey doesn't even seem to appear on their website. You obviously have access to it but seem reluctant to share.

You're clutching that thing like Gollum with his ring so I think I'll leave you to it now. It's taken up half the CC bandwidth already.


Of course you'll leave it because it demonstrates that the lived experience of the public isn't what you say it is.

Really, you are just a slightly more articulate version of CXR, aren't you, Aurora.

Curious though...when did you set out on this path? Because it is a path. Your posts are ever more rabid. A year ago it was " I'm fully accepting of TW, but I want female spaces reserved for bio women" and now it's "THE EXISTENCE OF TRANSWOMEN IS ERASING WOMEN".

You probably aren't aware of your radicalisation

Deleted member 159

Of course you'll leave it because it demonstrates that the lived experience of the public isn't what you say it is.

Really, you are just a slightly more articulate version of CXR, aren't you, Aurora.

Curious though...when did you set out on this path? Because it is a path. Your posts are ever more rabid. A year ago it was " I'm fully accepting of TW, but I want female spaces reserved for bio women" and now it's "THE EXISTENCE OF TRANSWOMEN IS ERASING WOMEN".

You probably aren't aware of your radicalisation

Someone is getting angry, Capitals :biggrin:

Post the link, stand by your assertion


Go and look for it yourself

Deleted member 159

'When voters were asked which issues they felt “politicians are talking too much about”, the poll found that “the debate about transgender people” came top with 38%. Some 27% felt it was being given “the right amount” of time, 19% didn’t know, and 16% felt it wasn’t talked about enough.'

What does that even mean? Only Toolzie knows.

Only multi understands , the rest of us are thickos, twats, any other expletive he grinds his teeth to
Really, you are just a slightly more articulate version of CXR, aren't you, Aurora.
You need a question mark at the end of that sentence as it's a rhetorical question.

Curious though...when did you set out on this path? Because it is a path. Your posts are ever more rabid. A year ago it was " I'm fully accepting of TW, but I want female spaces reserved for bio women" and now it's "THE EXISTENCE OF TRANSWOMEN IS ERASING WOMEN".
I can still hold a discussion without calling someone a c*nt or a pr*ck so not as rabid as some. Top marks for not putting the space between 'trans' and 'women'.

The political recognition of women is lost and they are erased as a specific class in law if men can be women. It's not radical to think this. It is a classic left wing position based on a material analysis of the axes of oppression. It's your position - that men can be, and should be treated as, women - that is new. It ignores what we know about power dynamics and is a conservative position in that it reduces women's status to that of a thought in a man's head.

As we've seen from your joy in seeing women shouted at and intimidated by men, you have more in common with the right wing than do the women you despise so much.


I can still hold a discussion without calling someone a c*nt or a pr*ck so not as rabid as some.

So can I. I use those very sparingly.
Your opening salvo against me was to call me a 'shill for rapists', so if you've complaints that my response to you I'm was a little rough, you can do one.
Besides, I've never called you, or anyone here a c***t. I may have called CXR a prìck, but I doubt he'd dispute that as an accurate descriptor.

Top marks for not putting the space between 'trans' and 'women'.

Yep. In quotes. Mimicking you.

The political recognition of women is lost and they are erased as a specific class in law if men can be women. It's not radical to think this. It is a classic left wing position based on a material analysis of the axes of oppression

Sounds clever, means nothing.

. It's your position - that men can be, and should be treated as, women - that is new. It ignores what we know about power dynamics and is a conservative position in that it reduces women's status to that of a thought in a man's head.

No it doesn't, it's a special accommodation in law only.

As we've seen from your joy in seeing women shouted at and intimidated by men, you have more in common with the right wing than do the women you despise so much.

I don't despise women, Aurora. I despise bigots. I like seeing them drowned out.

Thankfully most people aren't bigots, do you.

Funny though, isn't it, that all the transphobia resides almost entirely on the right. Particularly the far right. Your allies.
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