Gender again. Sorry!

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From a man-allegedly, who advocates men in female private spaces :okay:


You made a nasty misogynistic statement, and you let the cat out of the bag with that one.

You don't care about women. You are exploiting them to pursue your hatred of a small minority of people you hate because they are different. People like you are all the same, but you are so unsophisticated it's exceptionally easy to spot.

Your "I don't vote" shtick is also bollocks. You voted Reform. And like all Reform voters you did it not because you think Reform will make your life better, but because you think they will make other groups of people's lives worse.

Deleted member 159

You made a nasty misogynistic statement

Stop it


You missed the obvious double meaning. Jumped straight in with woman hater accusation.

Absolute zero- ice maiden :laugh:

If you want to take which ever way, go for it. I stand by both :okay:


You missed the obvious double meaning. Jumped straight in with woman hater accusation.

Absolute zero- ice maiden :laugh:

If you want to take which ever way, go for it. I stand by both :okay:

No, I didn't miss it. You took to opportunity to riff off Monkers to make a misogynist slur. When I pointed it out, your initial response was not to defend yourself but to launch an attack on me. Now you are trying to defend it with the "it was just a joke" line.

You can play whatever little games you like here, it's unmoderated. But as always the only person you humiliate is yourself.
You just can not stop your lying. What a farking liar you are. What a waste of a skin. This is what a good parents looks like ...

Lies? Other transwomen have been in women's jails in Scotland.

"In Scotland other high profile transgender prisoners have included Katie Dolatowski. In 2018 Dolatowski sexually assaulted a 10-year-old girl in a Kirkcaldy supermarket toilets, and filmed a 12-year-old girl on the toilet at a separate supermarket. Concerns were also raised about the case of Tiffany Scott .....that move was halted when Justice Secretary Keith Brown announced a "pause" on placing transgender prisoners with a history of violence against women in female jails".

Without the Isla Bryson outcry the policy would have continued.

Calling someone a waste of skin isn't very nice but par for the course for you. 'Good parent' David Tennant called women 'little whinging f*ckers' so no wonder you admire him.

KJK's party was a place to park your protest vote. Bit like the Greens, who will have come last and lost their deposit many, many times.


Calling someone a waste of skin isn't very nice but par for the course for you. 'Good parent' David Tennant called women 'little whinging f*ckers' so no wonder you admire him.

Here you are with your standard semantic trick again. Tennant called bigots "little whinging fûckers". That some of them are women is irrelevant.

KJK's party was a place to park your protest vote. Bit like the Greens, who will have come last and lost their deposit many, many times.

Yeah, but there is losing your deposit, and there is losing your deposit with only 196 votes.

Because all Aurora does is spend her time on GC sites, she has convinced herself that everyone must think like her. No amount of evidence that this is not the case will convince her otherwise. She's fully inculcated in a cult, and as with all cult members the last person to realise is the cult member.
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Legendary Member
Calling someone a waste of skin isn't very nice but par for the course for you.

Yup. I'm happy to bully the bullies, and watch them pathetically pretend they are real victims.

Just like Badenoch in fact. When told to shut up by David Tenant, she played the racial victim card, carping on about her skin colour, and making out that Tennant's problem is that he's white. Absolutely pathetic behaviour from her, yet no doubt you admire her for her 'direct approach and plain speaking'. Like her, when you are the end of it on here, you play the victim. Absolutely pathetic.

While supporting Rowling and her right to speak, everything she says is celebrated by you, but the Tennant family with actual skin in the game are criticised for speaking out against the abuse of a member of their family, just as great parents would do. Like Rowling, you are hypocrites.

Every day, you two wastrels are on here running abusive commentaries against a member of my family. She has addressed you both on here in the most polite way, patiently explained things you didn't know, and straightened out other points. She has had no negative impact on the lives of others, yet she tolerates your abuses. Why should she endure this? Try telling me she isn't the better quality person. She is way ahead of you pathetic playground bullies on here.


Legendary Member
Lots of super sensitive snowflakes today


At last you got something right snowflake, if you think the two of you is a lot.
While supporting Rowling and her right to speak, everything she says is celebrated by you, but the Tennant family with actual skin in the game are criticised for speaking out against the abuse of a member of their family, just as great parents would do. Like Rowling, you are hypocrites.

Women have skin in the game.

Tennant could argue his position without being abusive, without calling them 'whinging c*nts'. It's a choice to use language like that. It's the same dismissive histrionics that we see on here every day. Vitriolic language to try to shut down the debate doesn't enhance your argument.
Women have skin in the game.

Tennant could argue his position without being abusive, without calling them 'whinging c*nts'. It's a choice to use language like that. It's the same dismissive histrionics that we see on here every day. Vitriolic language to try to shut down the debate doesn't enhance your argument.
But that's all you have ever tried. And accusing others of doing what you do.
Here, and in every other thread you storm onto.


Legendary Member
Women have skin in the game.

Tennant could argue his position without being abusive, without calling them 'whinging c*nts'. It's a choice to use language like that. It's the same dismissive histrionics that we see on here every day. Vitriolic language to try to shut down the debate doesn't enhance your argument.

Playing the victim again Aurora. Truly pathetic. You don't speak for women. I think this culture war election proved that. The issues that you have are your own. They belong to you and a relative few fascist light other idiots.

In this general election, I'm aware of only one trans woman standing in the election * - and she polled higher than Klueless Klaxon Kelly J Keen.

*Edit - there were actually eight I'm told.
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