Gender again. Sorry!

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Elder Goth
It was just the camper van thing then.

I'd not even have gender issues in the top 5 (ten really) problems the party was facing.

If an election hadn't been called until later in the year the SNP might have had a bit of time to recover and take less of a kicking but even some of the strongest supporters I know were losing the faith.


It wasn't the only reason but it was likely a contributing factor to loss of confidence in the SNP as a whole.

If that was the case, why did Joanna Cherry lose her seat?

The SNP lost to Labour, massively. They didn't lose to the Conservatives or Reform, who are violently and notably anti-trans.

Literally nowhere in the pundit commentary, or voter commentary is the SNP's proposed SelfID law mentioned.

There is zero evidence for your assertion, but mountains of evidence to suggest that your personal obsession is not shared at all by the electorate.

This should come as no surprise, because you are driven by dogma not evidence.


Elder Goth
I tried googling this, and guess what - not one hit. Could it just be that you are making stuff up?

"whinging little f*ckers" is what he called them.

To which Rowling responded that Tennant was part of the "gender Taliban", what ever that is.

(Edited because I hate the "farmers" substitute)

(FFS, f*rkers gets edited too?!)
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Deleted member 159

Get a grip, next you'll be saying, using the wrong pronouns is a putting your life at risk

The histrionics :laugh:


Legendary Member
Get a grip, next you'll be saying, using the wrong pronouns is a putting your life at risk

The histrionics :laugh:

Then it's OK if I start insulting members of your family is it? You really want to go there?


Legendary Member
I literally gave you a free swing. :rofl:

That's the problem with woke liberals, offended at the change of wind direction. :laugh:

You didn't understand what was happening did you. My point was that you aren't even a good enough man to defend your family. You proved the point by inviting strangers to be nasty about them. And there was you thinking it made you look tough. It just proved my point - you are less of a man. Less than a man.

Deleted member 159

I don't need to defend my family, it can more than take care of itself.

sticks n stones and all that. I brought them up to stand up for what they believe
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