Gender again. Sorry!

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It's enough to give you the willies.

I think Aurora might be some sort of Victorian relic



Elder Goth
It's not an offence to be naked in public in England or Wales, unless it can be proven it's been done to cause upset or shock.

Which World Naked Bike Ride hasn't.

So what the hell this is tangent is all about is beyond me.
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ps. What about clunges?

Covered under the term 'other people's genitalia'. There weren't any on display in Edinburgh were there? Just seemed to be penises on show in the thread you linked. Consent is they key thing though, not which particular variety is being hoiked onto the saddle.

Admonishing women as prudish, old fashioned, pearl clutching, or any other variety of that, is an age old route of trying to shame and embarrass girls and women into never saying 'No' to things they are uncomfortable with.


Admonishing women as prudish, old fashioned, pearl clutching, or any other variety of that, is an old age route of trying to shame and embarrass girls and women into never saying 'No' to things they are uncomfortable with.

Who is admonishing you? I'm not.

I'm just describing you. Surprised that somebody who feels it's OK to glibly call someone a "shill for rapists" should start clutching her pearls when it is pointed out that she is prudish.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Technical question. Is it better to use a wider saddle for a naked ride rather than my usual narrow saddle? And what's the opinion on cutout saddles?

Asking for a friend.
Hardly minding their own business if they've got their junk out in public. The flasher on the park bench could say the same. Still not getting why this is a useful way to campaign for bike safety.

Who is admonishing you? I'm not.

I'm just describing you. Surprised that somebody who feels it's OK to glibly call someone a "shill for rapists" should start clutching her pearls when it is pointed out that she is prudish.

It's not prudish, nor bigoted, to think that you shouldn't have to see some random's junk unless you've explicitly consented to it.
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