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No, you can't keep everybody safe all the time. What you do though is take simple steps to ensure that people are protected as best you can. Excluding men from women's spaces and services is one of those steps. It's been effective, though not foolproof, for about a hundred years or more.

No, you don't. You end up with a robust culture of safeguarding that doesn't prioritise the wants of one small group over the dignity, privacy, and safety of another.

At the cost of civil liberties and human rights. No thanks.

Deleted member 159

At the cost of civil liberties and human rights. No thanks.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

International law.

Article 2​

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.




Elder Goth
Obviously this fella is mentally ill to have his own leg amputated as well his penis. The others involved are being prosecuted in court for grievous body harm

So why aren't children's breast and penis, life changing drugs procedures not prosecuted also.

The extreme body mod community is pretty nuts, but he's obviously not mentally ill if he's consented and isn't trying to get away with what he's being charged with. It's not the first case like this either, won't be the last.

This is the most famous example I can think of recently:

To be honest I'm amazed this went public. It's a really, really secretive community. Had a pal at uni who got seriously into it after becoming obsessed with mods who disappeared off the radar when he graduated. Occasionally hear from him and he's seen some mad stuff done, but nothing as extreme as a leg.
He only paid £1500. Usual cost is £10k to remove healthy body parts, or free on the NHS if you're willing to wait a bit.

I don't think consenting doesn't mean you aren't having mental health issues. Probably best to have lots and lots of therapy before you get yourself castrated, whether it's in a nice clean hospital or on a kitchen table in Tottenham. Unfortunately some people are trying to ban that.
Obviously this fella is mentally ill to have his own leg amputated as well his penis. The others involved are being prosecuted in court for grievous body harm

So why aren't children's breast and penis, life changing drugs procedures not prosecuted also.
Who was it that said no-one would ever cut off a healthy limb(arm/leg)?

Deleted member 159

If Tavistock hadn't been shutdown, then yes healthy children's body parts would have been sliced off, under the guise of improving the child sense of self esteem

Deleted member 159

Had a pal at uni who got seriously into it after becoming obsessed with mods who disappeared off the radar

You think in any way that is normal?

That person has some obvious compulsive disorder, mental health issue. They need psychiatric care, not amputation of body parts


Elder Goth
You think in any way that is normal?

That person has some obvious compulsive disorder, mental health issue. They need psychiatric care, not amputation of body parts

Yep, a pretty well adjusted fella. Just because he isn't "normal" to you doesn't mean he had mental issues.

Said it before on this thread, but defining "normal" is impossible.
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