The issue is mainly one of male violence, regardless of how the person identifies. The Brianna Ghey case is very unusual in having one of the killers being female.
Here's the list of trans women killed in the UK since 2009. It's 9 up to this recent case, unless there are others I'm not aware of, in 23 years. None were killed by strangers.
- Andrea Waddel, 29, killed by a sex buyer, Neil McMillan, in Brighton in October 2009.
- Destiny Lauren, 29, killed by a sex buyer Leon Fyle, in London in November 2009.
- David/Sonia Burgess, 63, killed by Senthooran (Nina) Kanagasingham, a trans friend/associate (male who identified as trans at the time), in London in October 2010.
- Lionel/Suzie Morl, 49, referred to in the press as a transvestite, who was killed by a couple with drug problems and who appear to have been exploiting him: David Hardman, 51, and Tracey Hurrell, 32, in Manchester in July or August 2011. Note the age difference between this couple, which is often (not always) an indicator of an abusive relationship.
- Chrissie Azzopardi, 22, who was killed by a neighbour, Romy Maynard, possibly over drug debts, in London in April 2012.
- Vanessa Santillan, 33, who was killed by husband Joaquin Hernandez in London in March 2015.
- William Lound, 30, a gay man who occasionally wore clothes that have been described as women’s clothes, was killed by Lee Arnold. Arnold killed Lound after the two had had sex, in Salford in August 2016. The murder of William Lound has been described both as a homophobic murder and an anti-trans one.
- Naomi Hersi, 36, who was killed by sex buyer Jesse McDonald after a drugs and sex hook-up in London in March 2018.
- Amy Griffiths, 51, was killed by Martin Saberi, in Worcestershire on 11 January 2019. The two have been described as friends.
Meanwhile there are 4 transwomen murderers in Scottish jails alone. All killed males they already knew, as far as I can tell.
The issue is almost exclusively one of male violence.
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If you want to prevent transwomen being murdered I suggest you start by campaigning against male violence, and against sex work as that is clearly a factor, and in terms of this recent case, against the violent, sadistic, torture porn that is easily available to both children and adults.
Thank for the attempt, but it's another fail I'm afraid. There are multiple issues here.
Firstly your reply includes Isla Bryson who has never been committed to inclusion in the women's estate (as you well know), but for some reason you have chosen to include it. I didn't ask about prison placements, so why is this included?
Secondly the question asked how many females have been killed by trans women. You compiled what at a glance appears to be a list of men killed by men who later became trans women.
You didn't include Brianna in your list that would have extended that list to ten.