Israel / Palestine

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Deleted member 159

ICJ ruling means that the ICJ has agreed to put Israel on trial for genocide, and it has ordered Israel to "cease acts of genocide".

Matticus will be along soon to add this to his list of erroneous definitions of genocide. Silly old ICJ. What would they know about law?

Not exactly

Israel must “take all measures within its its power” to prevent all acts within the scope of the genocide convention.

Doesn't sound like a slam dunk

Deleted member 49

Biden, Sunak, Starmer and other Western leaders all now implicated in supporting acts judged to be potentially genocidal....How are they going to squirm there way out of of this.


ICJ ruling means that the ICJ has agreed to put Israel on trial for genocide, and it has ordered Israel to "cease acts of genocide".

Matticus will be along soon to add this to his list of erroneous definitions of genocide. Silly old ICJ. What would they know about law?

As I haven't read their definition, you won't be surprised to hear that I have no criticism to make. Whereeas what you wrote about the definition of genocide was twaddle.
Is that clear enough for you? :smile:
Not exactly

Israel must “take all measures within its its power” to prevent all acts within the scope of the genocide convention.

Doesn't sound like a slam dunk

The ICJ begs to differ.
As reading is hard for you i quoted @CXRAndy he said amongst other things ''Israel must “take all measures within its its power” to prevent all acts within the scope of the genocide convention.'' so the one that begs to differ is the one you fail to read.
the tldr is that the ICJ hasn't made a decision they just made a very widely worded call to not target civilians within the scope of the geneva convention and that's all they did for now.
For if that's to hard to understand for you, Russia targeting an shopping centre is in breach of that same convention, unless they can prove it is some kind of legitimate military target, that why on Russian propaganda you often seem them with camera's from the ''80's claiming that 1 pixel image is really a military truck., tank or whatever.
In Gaza it's a bit more complicated but as Isreal has shown in it public media residential area's are flooded with rocket launch installations which automatically makes them valid military target according to the convention, there are many other rules(warning civilians can be seen as executing the rule of trying to prevent civilian causulties) they have to comply to but the first rule to determine something is a legitmate target can be answered by the question is there permanent or semi-permanent military hardware prsent that poses an threat to the other party.

Hamas alltough i think very hard of not impossible to convict under the ICJ however is breaking multiple rules they in both their own propaganda as in other video's testimonials etc. have been seen fighting in civilian clothes(a war crime) They have been seen, alltough not on independently verified footage to be shooting on civilians, and their proudly shared confession that they stole the clean water supply pipes killing many children in the process to make their rockect launchers is a other war crime.

Yet i never on this topic have you seen call for any kind of international procecutiuon for Hamas, si in neglecting to do that you are jointly responseble for the suffering in Gaza how does that make you feel? and what are you gonna write on your sign next time? i have a suggestion for you

something like '' i condem Isreal but Approve Hamas 's Hell''

but that might be to realistic for you..

Deleted member 159

What the Hamas supporters were hoping for was a categorical statement for Israel to

Stop the military action immediately


There has been clear evidence of genocide.

Neither of those happened.

Israel will continue to root out hamas, inform the Palestine people to move from direct conflict areas so they are safer.

Don't forget this is war, casualties happen, military targets will be attacked wherever Hamas stage their positions


What the ICJ ruling says is that the case that Israel is committing genocide is plausible. This is the beginning, nit the end.

We all know the Israelis are committing warcrimes. Even CXR knows this, once he's shed his tedious troll act.
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Deleted member 159

What the ICJ ruling says is that the case that Israel is committing genocide is plausible. This is the beginning, nit the end.

We all know the Israelis are committing warcrimes. Even CXR knows this, once he's shed his tedious troll act.

It will be years before this case will be finished.

But the objective of hamas support was tosee the immediate cessation of hostilities. The Hague didn't even demand that of Israel. Hamas were hoping they might have time to regroup.

Now there is no escape for those hamas fighters hiding in the south portion of Gaza

Deleted member 159

On the ground it has everything to do with hamas.

Israel will conduct their campaign because the ICJ hasn't called for immediate cessation.

Even the Hamas supporting BBC conclude the same position.
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