Israel / Palestine

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Über Member
They didn't express any resentment to people of any nation; it seems to me you are judging this man for thought-crime.

He resented the production of the flag - the flag representing the nation (and therefore the people) of Palestine. I think Currie took that as a big clue as to where his sympathies lie and so he was told to fark off.

Does everyone in the audience HAVE to agree with the performer on every aspect?

No, and nobody has said that is the case.

Is it OK to tell them to feck off if they don't?


You skipped the fact that Currie encouraged everyone to join his standing ovation.

Have you never been to a comedy gig? It’s perfectly common to encourage audience participation.

I don't think the Israeli family were under any obligation to join in; not sure you're on the right side of history, creating mandatory standing ovations.

Now you’re descending to hyperbole, and you’re putting words in my mouth. You said he encouraged the audience to stand and now you say I’m on the side of mandatory standing ovations. Nonsense.

And why are you describing him as Israeli when the man was told to fark off before anyone knew his origins? There’s no claim made yet that Currie made any reference to being Israeli or Jewish, so whether the man was or not is irrelevant as he was told to get out before anyone knew that.

Did he question the views of anyone else in the audience?

I don’t know. Ask him.

Why did he feel the need to start an argument with the family that did not join his mandatory standing ovation?

Again with the mandatory ovation fiction. Give it a rest.


Über Member
Weren't you a supporter of freeze peach? Shouldn't the audience member that felt offended just grow a pair instead of being a snowflake?

He was, and in absolute terms, without any caveats. 👇

Free speech should reign supreme

Now that someone’s said something he doesn’t like, it’s a different story.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Weren't you a supporter of freeze peach? Shouldn't the audience member that felt offended just grow a pair instead of being a snowflake?

AFAIK the audience member just stayed seated through the standing ovation. I have not seen it reported that he said anything, except when picked out by the comedian in front of the audience to explain himself. As I said earlier if he had heckled first then it would have been a different matter.

If anything Currie was the snowflake for being upset at getting less than 100% support for his request.


Reading around the chip
Jeez. I went to see Frankie Boyle last week. He told at least one audience member to fuck off. It might have been two. I can't quite recall why - for mild cuntery I think - I don't think it was much to do with Palestine. What's the problem? Maybe don't go to gigs if this stuff bothers you.

30,000 people slaughtered. 2 million displaced, grieving, traumatised and facing starvation. Everyone's home and the entire civil infrastructure reduced to rubble and dust. If some arsehole in the audience feels 'uncomfortable' at the sight of a Palestinian flag, I think we can all agree that it's a no-brainer that they can be told to fuck off.

Deleted member 121

I don't know much about Currie. But the exception was when he waved the Palestinian flag by the one fellow in the audience. Perhaps he could have handled it better? I don't know, i wasn't there and have no gauge of the mood of the venue. But, as always, i do find it incredible how people become politically outraged at such events and in truth, how many people who are outraged even knew who Paul Currie was before this? We'll never know because on balance, people are dishonest with themselves and others. But to test the theory, those outraged at Paul Currie, would likely not be outraged by Chubby Brown and his asylum seeker song and his historical racism or to other "comedians" who require security on stage such as Frankie Allen

I dare say, people know what they are getting themselves into, but this level of "comedy" is vile to me. I wouldn't attack the bloke for it and he clearly has fans but it seems some venues simply don't want them there performing. On the one hand, those will support the Chubby's and Davidsons of this world as "free speech" being attack when they are denied a venue. But then actively leave "laughing emoji's" when others are banned from a venue and support legal action against performers when it's clear these people are politically active on the other end of the spectrum to themselves.

You can't have it both ways...
Bit of a difference between the comedian telling you once or twice to f off from the stage and the whole audience chanting 'Get out' at you. People get caught up in the moment though and do things in a crowd they wouldn't normally do. If it had been done to a Palestinian supporter by a different audience/crowd it would also be wrong.


But to test the theory, those outraged at Paul Currie, would likely not be outraged by Chubby Brown and his asylum seeker song and his historical racism

Are you SURE you want to test this theory?
To be clear, I'm not sure I'm "outraged" by Currie's behaviour - I'd need a lot more skin in the game. More like "that is bang out of order". Do you still want my opinion on Chubby Brown?
He told someone to f*ck off.

I don't think that makes him an ars*hole.
The full allegation is that he demanded everybody to stand up for him, and then told someone to fark off after the flag incident. that is an very important detail is he first calls/demands group/herd mentality and then brands someone the black sheep.. Would could possibly go wrong? (i already indicated but it is about a left-leaning person so you all dismissed it, no susprises here)
Weren't you a supporter of freeze peach? Shouldn't the audience member that felt offended just grow a pair instead of being a snowflake?
Or just punch the a$$hole on stage right? Why hold back? The host sure as hell didn't

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Are you SURE you want to test this theory?
To be clear, I'm not sure I'm "outraged" by Currie's behaviour - I'd need a lot more skin in the game. More like "that is bang out of order". Do you still want my opinion on Chubby Brown?

Like you I am not outraged by Currie’s actions, nor by the action of the (Israeli) audience member. No one was killed, injured or made homeless in this bout of performative outrage at the end of a comedy show.
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